On Mon, Jan 11, 2016 at 12:12 PM, Khem Raj <raj.k...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Jan 11, 2016, at 12:00 PM, Andre McCurdy <armccu...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Mon, Jan 11, 2016 at 11:52 AM, Khem Raj <raj.k...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> On Jan 11, 2016, at 11:05 AM, Andre McCurdy <armccu...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> On Sat, Jan 9, 2016 at 8:42 AM, Richard Purdie
>>>> <richard.pur...@linuxfoundation.org> wrote:
>>>>> xz compresses with a better compression ratio than gz with similar speed
>>>>> for compression and decompression.
>>>> When you measured compression speed to be similar, was that with
>>>> parallel compression? If so, with how many CPU cores?
>>>> A quick test of plain single threaded "tar -cz" -vs- "tar -cJ" on my
>>>> laptop seems to indicate that xz is _significantly_ slower:
>>>> $ time tar -czf /tmp/jjj.tgz
>>>> tmp/work/cortexa15hf-neon-rdk-linux-gnueabi/glibc/2.22-r0/git
>>>> real    0m4.708s
>>>> user    0m4.682s
>>>> sys    0m0.477s
>>>> $ time tar -cJf /tmp/jjj.tar.xz
>>>> tmp/work/cortexa15hf-neon-rdk-linux-gnueabi/glibc/2.22-r0/git
>>>> real    0m56.491s
>>>> user    0m56.489s
>>>> sys    0m0.744s
>>> on 8-core machine with pixz it is recovered a bit but still is slow tried a 
>>> small load
>>> tar -cJf /tmp/xx.tar.xz   21.14s user 0.36s system 102% cpu 21.061 total
>>> tar -czf /tmp/xx.tar.gz   2.35s user 0.19s system 109% cpu 2.320 total
>>> tar -Ipixz -cf /tmp/xx.tar.xz   27.14s user 0.88s system 490% cpu 5.708 
>>> total
>>> When changing the compression level to -3 ( it gets a bit faster )
>>> pixz -3 /tmp/xx.tar /tmp/xx.tar.xz  17.58s user 0.18s system 606% cpu 2.927 
>>> total
>> For a fair comparison, we should probably be testing parallel gzip
>> against parallel xz.
> its not about speed, all this additional tooling is to achieve more 
> compression in same time.

Yes, you're right. Creating sstate tar files is going to happen in
parallel with other bitbake tasks, so overall CPU time is important,
not speed.

>> In general, I'm not really convinced about this change though. Disk
>> space is cheap and always getting cheaper, but builds can never be
>> fast enough. Is it really worthwhile to trade off build performance
>> for a reduction in sstate disk usage?
> if you use sstate mirrors over network then its just not disk but also 
> network load involved.
> but if the build speed is impacted due to slower comp/decomp then it needs to 
> optional rather than default. Since it will not be
> a one time thing but will impact every build that a developer/user is going 
> to do.
>> Perhaps the sstate compression algorithm should be configurable so
>> that people low on disk space can opt into slower builds?
>>>>> It therefore makes sense to switch
>>>>> to it for the sstate objects.
>>>>> As an example, the gcc-cross populate_sysroot object goes from
>>>>> 79,509,871 to 53,031,752 bytes which is a significant improvement.
>>>>> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <richard.pur...@linuxfoundation.org>
>>>>> diff --git a/meta/classes/buildhistory.bbclass 
>>>>> b/meta/classes/buildhistory.bbclass
>>>>> index 4153e58..734303c 100644
>>>>> --- a/meta/classes/buildhistory.bbclass
>>>>> +++ b/meta/classes/buildhistory.bbclass
>>>>> @@ -537,7 +537,7 @@ python buildhistory_get_extra_sdkinfo() {
>>>>>        filesizes = {}
>>>>>        for root, _, files in 
>>>>> os.walk('${SDK_OUTPUT}/${SDKPATH}/sstate-cache'):
>>>>>            for fn in files:
>>>>> -                if fn.endswith('.tgz'):
>>>>> +                if fn.endswith('.tar.xz'):
>>>>>                    fsize = 
>>>>> int(math.ceil(float(os.path.getsize(os.path.join(root, fn))) / 1024))
>>>>>                    task = fn.rsplit(':', 1)[1].split('_', 
>>>>> 1)[1].split('.')[0]
>>>>>                    origtotal = tasksizes.get(task, 0)
>>>>> diff --git a/meta/classes/populate_sdk_ext.bbclass 
>>>>> b/meta/classes/populate_sdk_ext.bbclass
>>>>> index 3a65c07..4ff5e9e 100644
>>>>> --- a/meta/classes/populate_sdk_ext.bbclass
>>>>> +++ b/meta/classes/populate_sdk_ext.bbclass
>>>>> @@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ python copy_buildsystem () {
>>>>>    # We don't need sstate do_package files
>>>>>    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(sstate_out):
>>>>>        for name in files:
>>>>> -            if name.endswith("_package.tgz"):
>>>>> +            if name.endswith("_package.tar.xz"):
>>>>>                f = os.path.join(root, name)
>>>>>                os.remove(f)
>>>>> }
>>>>> diff --git a/meta/classes/sstate.bbclass b/meta/classes/sstate.bbclass
>>>>> index 9bef212..d9adf01 100644
>>>>> --- a/meta/classes/sstate.bbclass
>>>>> +++ b/meta/classes/sstate.bbclass
>>>>> @@ -294,8 +294,8 @@ def sstate_installpkg(ss, d):
>>>>>        oe.path.remove(dir)
>>>>>    sstateinst = d.expand("${WORKDIR}/sstate-install-%s/" % ss['task'])
>>>>> -    sstatefetch = d.getVar('SSTATE_PKGNAME', True) + '_' + ss['task'] + 
>>>>> ".tgz"
>>>>> -    sstatepkg = d.getVar('SSTATE_PKG', True) + '_' + ss['task'] + ".tgz"
>>>>> +    sstatefetch = d.getVar('SSTATE_PKGNAME', True) + '_' + ss['task'] + 
>>>>> ".tar.xz"
>>>>> +    sstatepkg = d.getVar('SSTATE_PKG', True) + '_' + ss['task'] + 
>>>>> ".tar.xz"
>>>>>    if not os.path.exists(sstatepkg):
>>>>>        pstaging_fetch(sstatefetch, sstatepkg, d)
>>>>> @@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ python sstate_hardcode_path_unpack () {
>>>>> def sstate_clean_cachefile(ss, d):
>>>>>    import oe.path
>>>>> -    sstatepkgfile = d.getVar('SSTATE_PATHSPEC', True) + "*_" + 
>>>>> ss['task'] + ".tgz*"
>>>>> +    sstatepkgfile = d.getVar('SSTATE_PATHSPEC', True) + "*_" + 
>>>>> ss['task'] + ".tar.xz*"
>>>>>    bb.note("Removing %s" % sstatepkgfile)
>>>>>    oe.path.remove(sstatepkgfile)
>>>>> @@ -555,7 +555,7 @@ def sstate_package(ss, d):
>>>>>    tmpdir = d.getVar('TMPDIR', True)
>>>>>    sstatebuild = d.expand("${WORKDIR}/sstate-build-%s/" % ss['task'])
>>>>> -    sstatepkg = d.getVar('SSTATE_PKG', True) + '_'+ ss['task'] + ".tgz"
>>>>> +    sstatepkg = d.getVar('SSTATE_PKG', True) + '_'+ ss['task'] + 
>>>>> ".tar.xz"
>>>>>    bb.utils.remove(sstatebuild, recurse=True)
>>>>>    bb.utils.mkdirhier(sstatebuild)
>>>>>    bb.utils.mkdirhier(os.path.dirname(sstatepkg))
>>>>> @@ -677,14 +677,14 @@ sstate_create_package () {
>>>>>       # Need to handle empty directories
>>>>>       if [ "$(ls -A)" ]; then
>>>>>               set +e
>>>>> -               tar -czf $TFILE *
>>>>> +               tar -cJf $TFILE *
>>>>>               ret=$?
>>>>>               if [ $ret -ne 0 ] && [ $ret -ne 1 ]; then
>>>>>                       exit 1
>>>>>               fi
>>>>>               set -e
>>>>>       else
>>>>> -               tar -cz --file=$TFILE --files-from=/dev/null
>>>>> +               tar -cJ --file=$TFILE --files-from=/dev/null
>>>>>       fi
>>>>>       chmod 0664 $TFILE
>>>>>       mv -f $TFILE ${SSTATE_PKG}
>>>>> @@ -703,7 +703,7 @@ sstate_create_package () {
>>>>> # Will be run from within SSTATE_INSTDIR.
>>>>> #
>>>>> sstate_unpack_package () {
>>>>> -       tar -xmvzf ${SSTATE_PKG}
>>>>> +       tar -xmvJf ${SSTATE_PKG}
>>>>>       # Use "! -w ||" to return true for read only files
>>>>>       [ ! -w ${SSTATE_PKG} ] || touch --no-dereference ${SSTATE_PKG}
>>>>>       [ ! -w ${SSTATE_PKG}.sig ] || [ ! -e ${SSTATE_PKG}.sig ] || touch 
>>>>> --no-dereference ${SSTATE_PKG}.sig
>>>>> @@ -716,7 +716,7 @@ def sstate_checkhashes(sq_fn, sq_task, sq_hash, 
>>>>> sq_hashfn, d, siginfo=False):
>>>>>    ret = []
>>>>>    missed = []
>>>>> -    extension = ".tgz"
>>>>> +    extension = ".tar.xz"
>>>>>    if siginfo:
>>>>>        extension = extension + ".siginfo"
>>>>> @@ -821,11 +821,11 @@ def sstate_checkhashes(sq_fn, sq_task, sq_hash, 
>>>>> sq_hashfn, d, siginfo=False):
>>>>>        evdata = {'missed': [], 'found': []};
>>>>>        for task in missed:
>>>>>            spec, extrapath, tname = getpathcomponents(task, d)
>>>>> -            sstatefile = d.expand(extrapath + generate_sstatefn(spec, 
>>>>> sq_hash[task], d) + "_" + tname + ".tgz")
>>>>> +            sstatefile = d.expand(extrapath + generate_sstatefn(spec, 
>>>>> sq_hash[task], d) + "_" + tname + ".tar.xz")
>>>>>            evdata['missed'].append( (sq_fn[task], sq_task[task], 
>>>>> sq_hash[task], sstatefile ) )
>>>>>        for task in ret:
>>>>>            spec, extrapath, tname = getpathcomponents(task, d)
>>>>> -            sstatefile = d.expand(extrapath + generate_sstatefn(spec, 
>>>>> sq_hash[task], d) + "_" + tname + ".tgz")
>>>>> +            sstatefile = d.expand(extrapath + generate_sstatefn(spec, 
>>>>> sq_hash[task], d) + "_" + tname + ".tar.xz")
>>>>>            evdata['found'].append( (sq_fn[task], sq_task[task], 
>>>>> sq_hash[task], sstatefile ) )
>>>>>        bb.event.fire(bb.event.MetadataEvent("MissedSstate", evdata), d)
>>>>> @@ -914,7 +914,7 @@ python sstate_eventhandler() {
>>>>>    d = e.data
>>>>>    # When we write an sstate package we rewrite the SSTATE_PKG
>>>>>    spkg = d.getVar('SSTATE_PKG', True)
>>>>> -    if not spkg.endswith(".tgz"):
>>>>> +    if not spkg.endswith(".tar.xz"):
>>>>>        taskname = d.getVar("BB_RUNTASK", True)[3:]
>>>>>        spec = d.getVar('SSTATE_PKGSPEC', True)
>>>>>        swspec = d.getVar('SSTATE_SWSPEC', True)
>>>>> @@ -922,7 +922,7 @@ python sstate_eventhandler() {
>>>>>            d.setVar("SSTATE_PKGSPEC", "${SSTATE_SWSPEC}")
>>>>>            d.setVar("SSTATE_EXTRAPATH", "")
>>>>>        sstatepkg = d.getVar('SSTATE_PKG', True)
>>>>> -        bb.siggen.dump_this_task(sstatepkg + '_' + taskname + ".tgz" 
>>>>> ".siginfo", d)
>>>>> +        bb.siggen.dump_this_task(sstatepkg + '_' + taskname + ".tar.xz" 
>>>>> ".siginfo", d)
>>>>> }
>>>>> diff --git a/meta/lib/oeqa/selftest/signing.py 
>>>>> b/meta/lib/oeqa/selftest/signing.py
>>>>> index c33662b..4d545ad 100644
>>>>> --- a/meta/lib/oeqa/selftest/signing.py
>>>>> +++ b/meta/lib/oeqa/selftest/signing.py
>>>>> @@ -111,13 +111,13 @@ class Signing(oeSelfTest):
>>>>>        bitbake('-c cleansstate %s' % test_recipe)
>>>>>        bitbake(test_recipe)
>>>>> -        recipe_sig = glob.glob(sstatedir + '/*/*:ed:*_package.tgz.sig')
>>>>> -        recipe_tgz = glob.glob(sstatedir + '/*/*:ed:*_package.tgz')
>>>>> +        recipe_sig = glob.glob(sstatedir + 
>>>>> '/*/*:ed:*_package.tar.xz.sig')
>>>>> +        recipe_txz = glob.glob(sstatedir + '/*/*:ed:*_package.tar.xz')
>>>>>        self.assertEqual(len(recipe_sig), 1, 'Failed to find .sig file.')
>>>>> -        self.assertEqual(len(recipe_tgz), 1, 'Failed to find .tgz file.')
>>>>> +        self.assertEqual(len(recipe_txz), 1, 'Failed to find .tar.xz 
>>>>> file.')
>>>>> -        ret = runCmd('gpg --homedir %s --verify %s %s' % (self.gpg_dir, 
>>>>> recipe_sig[0], recipe_tgz[0]))
>>>>> +        ret = runCmd('gpg --homedir %s --verify %s %s' % (self.gpg_dir, 
>>>>> recipe_sig[0], recipe_txz[0]))
>>>>>        # gpg: Signature made Thu 22 Oct 2015 01:45:09 PM EEST using RSA 
>>>>> key ID 61EEFB30
>>>>>        # gpg: Good signature from "testuser (nocomment) 
>>>>> <testu...@email.com>"
>>>>>        self.assertIn('gpg: Good signature from', ret.output, 'Package 
>>>>> signed incorrectly.')
>>>>> diff --git a/meta/lib/oeqa/selftest/sstatetests.py 
>>>>> b/meta/lib/oeqa/selftest/sstatetests.py
>>>>> index 512cb4f..73e5132 100644
>>>>> --- a/meta/lib/oeqa/selftest/sstatetests.py
>>>>> +++ b/meta/lib/oeqa/selftest/sstatetests.py
>>>>> @@ -55,15 +55,15 @@ class SStateTests(SStateBase):
>>>>>        bitbake(['-ccleansstate'] + targets)
>>>>>        bitbake(targets)
>>>>> -        tgz_created = self.search_sstate('|'.join(map(str, [s + 
>>>>> '.*?\.tgz$' for s in targets])), distro_specific, distro_nonspecific)
>>>>> -        self.assertTrue(tgz_created, msg="Could not find sstate .tgz 
>>>>> files for: %s" % ', '.join(map(str, targets)))
>>>>> +        txz_created = self.search_sstate('|'.join(map(str, [s + 
>>>>> '.*?\.tar.xz$' for s in targets])), distro_specific, distro_nonspecific)
>>>>> +        self.assertTrue(txz_created, msg="Could not find sstate .tar.xz 
>>>>> files for: %s" % ', '.join(map(str, targets)))
>>>>>        siginfo_created = self.search_sstate('|'.join(map(str, [s + 
>>>>> '.*?\.siginfo$' for s in targets])), distro_specific, distro_nonspecific)
>>>>>        self.assertTrue(siginfo_created, msg="Could not find sstate 
>>>>> .siginfo files for: %s" % ', '.join(map(str, targets)))
>>>>>        bitbake(['-ccleansstate'] + targets)
>>>>> -        tgz_removed = self.search_sstate('|'.join(map(str, [s + 
>>>>> '.*?\.tgz$' for s in targets])), distro_specific, distro_nonspecific)
>>>>> -        self.assertTrue(not tgz_removed, msg="do_cleansstate didn't 
>>>>> remove .tgz sstate files for: %s" % ', '.join(map(str, targets)))
>>>>> +        txz_removed = self.search_sstate('|'.join(map(str, [s + 
>>>>> '.*?\.tar.xz$' for s in targets])), distro_specific, distro_nonspecific)
>>>>> +        self.assertTrue(not txz_removed, msg="do_cleansstate didn't 
>>>>> remove .tar.xz sstate files for: %s" % ', '.join(map(str, targets)))
>>>>>    @testcase(977)
>>>>>    def test_cleansstate_task_distro_specific_nonspecific(self):
>>>>> @@ -87,8 +87,8 @@ class SStateTests(SStateBase):
>>>>>        bitbake(['-ccleansstate'] + targets)
>>>>>        bitbake(targets)
>>>>> -        self.assertTrue(self.search_sstate('|'.join(map(str, [s + 
>>>>> '.*?\.tgz$' for s in targets])), distro_specific=False, 
>>>>> distro_nonspecific=True) == [], msg="Found distro non-specific sstate 
>>>>> for: %s" % ', '.join(map(str, targets)))
>>>>> -        file_tracker_1 = self.search_sstate('|'.join(map(str, [s + 
>>>>> '.*?\.tgz$' for s in targets])), distro_specific=True, 
>>>>> distro_nonspecific=False)
>>>>> +        self.assertTrue(self.search_sstate('|'.join(map(str, [s + 
>>>>> '.*?\.tar.xz$' for s in targets])), distro_specific=False, 
>>>>> distro_nonspecific=True) == [], msg="Found distro non-specific sstate 
>>>>> for: %s" % ', '.join(map(str, targets)))
>>>>> +        file_tracker_1 = self.search_sstate('|'.join(map(str, [s + 
>>>>> '.*?\.tar.xz$' for s in targets])), distro_specific=True, 
>>>>> distro_nonspecific=False)
>>>>>        self.assertTrue(len(file_tracker_1) >= len(targets), msg = "Not 
>>>>> all sstate files ware created for: %s" % ', '.join(map(str, targets)))
>>>>>        self.track_for_cleanup(self.distro_specific_sstate + "_old")
>>>>> @@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ class SStateTests(SStateBase):
>>>>>        bitbake(['-cclean'] + targets)
>>>>>        bitbake(targets)
>>>>> -        file_tracker_2 = self.search_sstate('|'.join(map(str, [s + 
>>>>> '.*?\.tgz$' for s in targets])), distro_specific=True, 
>>>>> distro_nonspecific=False)
>>>>> +        file_tracker_2 = self.search_sstate('|'.join(map(str, [s + 
>>>>> '.*?\.tar.xz$' for s in targets])), distro_specific=True, 
>>>>> distro_nonspecific=False)
>>>>>        self.assertTrue(len(file_tracker_2) >= len(targets), msg = "Not 
>>>>> all sstate files ware created for: %s" % ', '.join(map(str, targets)))
>>>>>        not_recreated = [x for x in file_tracker_1 if x not in 
>>>>> file_tracker_2]
>>>>> @@ -146,18 +146,18 @@ class SStateTests(SStateBase):
>>>>>            if not sstate_arch in sstate_archs_list:
>>>>>                sstate_archs_list.append(sstate_arch)
>>>>>            if target_config[idx] == target_config[-1]:
>>>>> -                target_sstate_before_build = self.search_sstate(target + 
>>>>> '.*?\.tgz$')
>>>>> +                target_sstate_before_build = self.search_sstate(target + 
>>>>> '.*?\.tar.xz$')
>>>>>            bitbake("-cclean %s" % target)
>>>>>            result = bitbake(target, ignore_status=True)
>>>>>            if target_config[idx] == target_config[-1]:
>>>>> -                target_sstate_after_build = self.search_sstate(target + 
>>>>> '.*?\.tgz$')
>>>>> +                target_sstate_after_build = self.search_sstate(target + 
>>>>> '.*?\.tar.xz$')
>>>>>                expected_remaining_sstate += [x for x in 
>>>>> target_sstate_after_build if x not in target_sstate_before_build if not 
>>>>> any(pattern in x for pattern in ignore_patterns)]
>>>>>            self.remove_config(global_config[idx])
>>>>>            self.remove_recipeinc(target, target_config[idx])
>>>>>            self.assertEqual(result.status, 0, msg = "build of %s failed 
>>>>> with %s" % (target, result.output))
>>>>>        runCmd("sstate-cache-management.sh -y --cache-dir=%s 
>>>>> --remove-duplicated --extra-archs=%s" % (self.sstate_path, 
>>>>> ','.join(map(str, sstate_archs_list))))
>>>>> -        actual_remaining_sstate = [x for x in self.search_sstate(target 
>>>>> + '.*?\.tgz$') if not any(pattern in x for pattern in ignore_patterns)]
>>>>> +        actual_remaining_sstate = [x for x in self.search_sstate(target 
>>>>> + '.*?\.tar.xz$') if not any(pattern in x for pattern in ignore_patterns)]
>>>>>        actual_not_expected = [x for x in actual_remaining_sstate if x not 
>>>>> in expected_remaining_sstate]
>>>>>        self.assertFalse(actual_not_expected, msg="Files should have been 
>>>>> removed but ware not: %s" % ', '.join(map(str, actual_not_expected)))
>>>>> --
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