On 16 December 2015 at 14:49, Gary Thomas <g...@mlbassoc.com> wrote:

> Using master as of 2015-12-16 (f1f3716776078d68bd9e3734bca881a486dc2ea3)
> I get this error:
> ERROR: Command Error: exit status: 1  Output:
> Applying patch allow-deprecated.patch

Looks like you have a layer with a bbappend for glib-2.0, as master's
glib-2.0 doesn't have that patch:

SRC_URI = "${GNOME_MIRROR}/glib/${SHRT_VER}/glib-${PV}.tar.xz \
           file://configure-libtool.patch \
           file://fix-conflicting-rand.patch \
           file://add-march-i486-into-CFLAGS-automatically.patch \
           file://glib-2.0-configure-readlink.patch \
           file://run-ptest \
           file://ptest-paths.patch \
           file://uclibc.patch \

 file://0001-configure.ac-Do-not-use-readlink-when-cross-compilin.patch \
           file://allow-run-media-sdX-drive-mount-if-username-root.patch \
  file://0001-Remove-the-warning-about-deprecated-paths-in-schemas.patch \
  file://0001-gio-tests-Don-t-depend-on-a-data-file-that-s-not-bui.patch \
           file://Enable-more-tests-while-cross-compiling.patch \

In fact that revision isn't a poky or oe-core commit.

The problem is that allow-deprecated.patch is patching generated files.
Remove all hunks that touch Makefile.in.

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