This is the latest release in the 8.xx series.
It fixes 46 bugs as listed:

Vulnerabilities from CVE-2015-8380 to CVE-2015-8395 have been fixed in 8.38.

Signed-off-by: Fan Xin <>
 meta/recipes-support/libpcre/ | 78 ----------------------------
 1 file changed, 78 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 meta/recipes-support/libpcre/

diff --git a/meta/recipes-support/libpcre/ 
deleted file mode 100644
index 1880639..0000000
--- a/meta/recipes-support/libpcre/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-DESCRIPTION = "The PCRE library is a set of functions that implement regular \
-expression pattern matching using the same syntax and semantics as Perl 5. 
-has its own native API, as well as a set of wrapper functions that correspond \
-to the POSIX regular expression API."
-SUMMARY = "Perl Compatible Regular Expressions"
-SECTION = "devel"
-LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENCE;md5=7e4937814aee14758c1c95b59c80c44d"
-SRC_URI = "${SOURCEFORGE_MIRROR}/project/pcre/pcre/${PV}/pcre-${PV}.tar.bz2 \
-           file://pcre-cross.patch \
-           file://fix-pcre-name-collision.patch \
-           file://run-ptest \
-           file://Makefile \
-SRC_URI[md5sum] = "ed91be292cb01d21bc7e526816c26981"
-SRC_URI[sha256sum] = 
-S = "${WORKDIR}/pcre-${PV}"
-PROVIDES += "pcre"
-DEPENDS += "bzip2 zlib"
-PACKAGECONFIG ??= "pcre8"
-PACKAGECONFIG[pcre8] = "--enable-pcre8,--disable-pcre8"
-PACKAGECONFIG[pcre16] = "--enable-pcre16,--disable-pcre16"
-PACKAGECONFIG[pcre32] = "--enable-pcre32,--disable-pcre32"
-PACKAGECONFIG[pcretest-readline] = 
-BINCONFIG = "${bindir}/pcre-config"
-inherit autotools binconfig-disabled ptest
-    --enable-newline-is-lf \
-    --enable-rebuild-chartables \
-    --enable-utf8 \
-    --with-link-size=2 \
-    --with-match-limit=10000000 \
-# Set LINK_SIZE in BUILD_CFLAGS given that the autotools bbclass use it to
-# set CFLAGS_FOR_BUILD, required for the libpcre build.
-CXXFLAGS_append_powerpc = " -lstdc++"
-PACKAGES =+ "libpcrecpp libpcreposix pcregrep pcregrep-doc pcretest 
-SUMMARY_libpcrecpp = "${SUMMARY} - C++ wrapper functions"
-SUMMARY_libpcreposix = "${SUMMARY} - C wrapper functions based on the POSIX 
regex API"
-SUMMARY_pcregrep = "grep utility that uses perl 5 compatible regexes"
-SUMMARY_pcregrep-doc = "grep utility that uses perl 5 compatible regexes - 
-SUMMARY_pcretest = "program for testing Perl-comatible regular expressions"
-SUMMARY_pcretest-doc = "program for testing Perl-comatible regular expressions 
- docs"
-FILES_libpcrecpp = "${libdir}/*"
-FILES_libpcreposix = "${libdir}/*"
-FILES_pcregrep = "${bindir}/pcregrep"
-FILES_pcregrep-doc = "${mandir}/man1/pcregrep.1"
-FILES_pcretest = "${bindir}/pcretest"
-FILES_pcretest-doc = "${mandir}/man1/pcretest.1"
-BBCLASSEXTEND = "native nativesdk"
-do_install_ptest() {
-       t=${D}${PTEST_PATH}
-       cp ${WORKDIR}/Makefile $t
-       cp -r ${S}/testdata $t
-       for i in pcre_stringpiece_unittest pcregrep pcretest; \
-         do cp ${B}/.libs/$i $t; \
-       done
-       for i in RunTest RunGrepTest test-driver; \
-         do cp ${S}/$i $t; \
-       done

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