Hi Randy,

Thank you very much.

On 30 October 2015 at 03:03,  <randy.e.w...@linux.intel.com> wrote:
> Hi Naresh,
>> +OE core ML
>> On 27 October 2015 at 16:17, Naresh Bhat <naresh.b...@linaro.org> wrote:
>>> Hi Randy,
>>> The luvOS project is based on luv-yocto frame work.  I have built the
>>> luvOS project for AArch64 architecture using qemuarm64.conf machine
>>> configuration file and boot the luvOS image on QEMU machine (used
>>> latest QEMU git repository image i.e. qemu-system-aarch64 QEMU
>>> v2.4.50)
>>> I am facing the following issue on the console "INIT: Id "hvc0"
>>> respawning too fast: disabled for 5 minutes"
> The easiest way for you to get around this without creating your own image
> is to probably mimc what runqemu does. (which is the expected consumer of
> the qemu images)
> If you add "-device virtio-serial-device -chardev null,id=virtcon -device
> virtconsole,chardev=virtcon" to the qemu commandline, this will add the
> second serial port.

Excellent.  Above suggestion works for me ..:)  Now I am able to see
the hvc devices

root@qemuarm64:~# ls /dev/ttyAMA0
root@qemuarm64:~# ls /dev/hvc*
/dev/hvc0  /dev/hvc2  /dev/hvc4  /dev/hvc6
/dev/hvc1  /dev/hvc3  /dev/hvc5  /dev/hvc7


>>> ...
>>> .....
>>>     [-] kernel-efi-warnings
>>>       [+] EFI_BOOT_SERVICES_*_illegal_access... passed
>>> Ran 3 testsuites and 64 unittests, 53 passes, 15 fails, 3 skipped.
>>> Linux UEFI Validation Distribution 2.0-dev qemuarm64 ttyAMA0
>>> INIT: Id "hvc0" respawning too fast: disabled for 5 minutes
>>> Linux UEFI Validation Distribution 2.0-dev qemuarm64 ttyAMA0
>>> qemuarm64 login: root
>>> root@qemuarm64:~#
>>> root@qemuarm64:~#
>>> Can you please let me know how did you tested this patch on QEMU and
>>> what are the parameter's you have passed for command line ? Can you
>>> please help me to overcome from the above issue ?
>>> I am using following script to launch the QEMU -
>>> https://wiki.linaro.org/LEG/Engineering/luvOS#How_to_test_luvOS_image_on_QEMU
>>> and I can see the below patch introduced the hvc0
>>> [nareshbhat@Lenovo luv-yocto]$ git show
>>> f44e043c752470b1ed4d22f3732dc0b362f83fd9
>>> commit f44e043c752470b1ed4d22f3732dc0b362f83fd9
>>> Author: Randy Witt <randy.e.w...@linux.intel.com>
>>> Date:   Thu Aug 27 19:42:43 2015 -0700
>>>     qemuarm64.conf: Make the second serial console /dev/hvc0
>>>     Since the qemu for aarch64 must use a virtual console for the second
>>>     serial port rather than emulating actual hardware, make sure the
>>> correct
>>>     device is specified so that a tty is actually started.
>>>     (From OE-Core rev: 5b720a69f0d181ab2de6032a6e3f5a0ee4a14302)
>>>     Signed-off-by: Randy Witt <randy.e.w...@linux.intel.com>
>>>     Signed-off-by: Ross Burton <ross.bur...@intel.com>
>>>     Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <richard.pur...@linuxfoundation.org>
>>> diff --git a/meta/conf/machine/qemuarm64.conf
>>> b/meta/conf/machine/qemuarm64.conf
>>> index 7bbdad7..8459d0f 100644
>>> --- a/meta/conf/machine/qemuarm64.conf
>>> +++ b/meta/conf/machine/qemuarm64.conf
>>> @@ -9,4 +9,4 @@ MACHINE_FEATURES = ""
>>> -SERIAL_CONSOLES = "38400;ttyAMA0 38400;ttyAMA1"
>>> +SERIAL_CONSOLES = "38400;ttyAMA0 38400;hvc0"
>>> [nareshbhat@Lenovo luv-yocto]$
>>> Thanks and Regards
>>> -Naresh
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