On Thu, 2015-10-29 at 13:43 -0700, Juro Bystricky wrote:
> This patch fixes [YOCTO#8140].
> The fix consist of allowing 64bit atomic ops for x86.
> This should be safe for i586 and newer CPUs.
> It also makes the synchronization more efficient.
> Signed-off-by: Juro Bystricky <juro.bystri...@intel.com>
> ---
>  .../glibc/glibc/use_64bit_atomics.patch            | 24 
> ++++++++++++++++++++++
>  meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc_2.22.bb              |  1 +
>  2 files changed, 25 insertions(+)
>  create mode 100644 meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/use_64bit_atomics.patch

Since the patch is only changing nativesdk 32 bit x86 and we know that
the 32 bit SDK is pretty broken at the moment I've merged this on the
basis that it can't really make it any worse. There is pressure to move
to the next rc candidate for 2.0.

I would like to get to the bottom of the real issue here and I still
suspect 32 bit x86 images are likely broken too :/.



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