[Cc list trimmed]

On Mon, 2015-10-26 at 09:28 -0500, Mark Hatle wrote:
> As you can see, pretty much everything is currently broken and I'm
> struggling to
> find community people with the right skill sets to help me resolve
> the issues.

I think it's true that prelink is a technology which has largely had
its day, and I could well imagine that upstream Red Hat is no longer
very interested in it.  https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/1183 has
a summary of some of the reasons why.

Before investing any significant amount of time in fixing up prelink
(and from what you've described it sounds like it might indeed be a
significant effort to get it working again on all platforms) it might
be a good idea to make sure we are still convinced that prelink
provides useful and meaningful benefits for OE-core users.

If the answer to that is yes then I probably could spare a bit of time
to look at the ARM and MIPS issues at least. 


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