Hi Tudor

On 28 September 2015, Tudor Florea wrote:
> On 9/21/2015 10:11, Ian Ray wrote:
>> Provides a new variable, PTEST_RUN_SCRIPT_PATH, which points to a
>> directory where the run-ptest script is located.  This location
>> defaults to the work directory but may be overridden within a recipe
> Is there any benefit in adding this? Do you have an example of package
> that contains a run-ptest file that could benefit of this approach?

The main benefit is for packages that are run-ptest /aware/, in which case
the recipe can be simplified.

I only have examples of our own, internal, packages which have been
developed with ptest in mind.

> Usually, run-ptest is not part of the package but rather is a standalone
> file referred by the package recipe. It is the responsibility of the
> person implementing ptest functionality come up with a run-ptest file
> (containing a script to be run on target to implement testing
> functionality) hence is his/her responsibility as well to put it in the
> right place.

Right.  And if the right place is /inside/ the package, then this patch makes
the recipe more explicit.  Admittedly, without this patch one can simply
copy the file explicitly in the recipe.

do_compile_ptest () {
        oe_runmake buildtest-TESTS
        cp ${S}/path/to/run-ptest ${WORKDIR}

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