
in the qemu reference machine we see this pattern:

XSERVER = "xserver-xorg

           ${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'opengl',
'mesa-driver-swrast', '', d)}

Which is what I had done for my BSP layer as well. However this doesn't
take into account non X11 based graphics config, such as when building a
wayland/weston image. The mesa-driver should be conditionally pulled when
'mesa' is pulled in.

I cannot find a satisfying way of specifying this better to take both cases
into account.

we could move

${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'opengl', 'mesa-driver-swrast', '',

into MACHINE_RRDEPENS, but that's not quite right, since that driver is
only needed when any of the mesa binary packages is in the image, and non
graphics image wouldnt' need that.

Since mesa produces a lot of binary packages , using RDEPENDS_xxx for all
of them doesn't seem very nice neither..

What would you recommend we do? I think we need to fix the qemu images

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