On 17/09/15 17:20, Alejandro Joya wrote:
It provide a virtual reference for the common utilities.
it replace of the lock to busybox, it will be simple exchange between other
common utilities like gnu core utils or toybox among others.
In order to enable its required to fill at the distro conf or local.conf
VIRTUAL-RUNTIME_login_manager ?= "busybox"
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/anybox ?= "busybox"
PREFERRED_RPROVIDER_virtual/anybox ?= "busybox"
VIRTUAL-RUNTIME_anybox ?= "busybox"
VIRTUAL-RUNTIME_anybox-hwclock ?= "busybox-hwclock"
The following changes since commit f0189829498e30231d826c9f55aad73e622d076e:
qemu: Update to upstream patches (2015-09-14 11:22:02 +0100)
are available in the git repository at:
git://github.com/Ajoyacr/openembedded-core anybox
Alejandro Joya (3):
core-mage-minimal-initramfs: overwrite hardcoded dependency to virtual
initramfs-framework: overwrite hardcoded dependency to virtual
packagegroup-core-boot: overwrite hardcoded dependency to virtual
meta/recipes-core/images/core-image-minimal-initramfs.bb | 2 +-
meta/recipes-core/initrdscripts/initramfs-framework_1.0.bb | 2 +-
meta/recipes-core/packagegroups/packagegroup-core-boot.bb | 6 +++---
3 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
is 'anybox' a good name for the virtual provider? What happens if we have a new
suite of core utility replacements without box in the name, I assume it will be
a nightmare to retroactivly change the name so we should probably come up with a
more generic one now. virtual/core-utils, virtual/base-utils?
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