On Thu, Aug 20, 2015 at 2:34 PM, Burton, Ross <ross.bur...@intel.com> wrote:
> Basically you need to have a good reason why oe-core should invest the time
> maintaining both modern screen and ancient screen (4.0.3 was released in
> 2008).   The easiest solution would be for your distro to maintain a copy of
> ancient screen for people who want screen but also don't want GPLv3.  Or,
> switch to tmux which is BSD licensed.

I think this will be common interest for more than one distro or
person. It will be good to start moving them into a new layer under
meta-openembedded repo, something like meta-gplv2-pinned or
somethings, then users who are interested can prioritize this layer
over oe-core and there by use these versions easily instead of what
comes from oe-core.
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