On 08/07/2015 02:26 PM, Alexander Kanavin wrote:
> On 08/07/2015 12:17 PM, Philip Balister wrote:
>> Thanks Khem. I also do not agree that we lack a self-sustaining
>> community. OpenEmbedded has functioned independently for far longer than
>> the Yocto Project has existed.
> By 'self-sustaining' I mean 'being able to continuously produce quality
> work'. Looking at layers in meta-openembedded, not all of them are of
> high quality. Meta-gnome in particular is badly out of date, because no
> one wants to maintain it properly. If oe-core starts taking a lot more
> volunteer contributions, and the same thing happens (a volunteer
> contributes a large set of recipes, then disappears), what is supposed
> to happen then?

You are missing the point. We now use layers to segregate sets of
recipes o stuff that is not interesting to many people and becomes
obsolete may decline without compromising heavily used layers. This is
all part of the evolution of OpenEmbedded over many, many years.

If people lose interest in meta-gplv2, then so be it.


> Alex
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