On Sat, Jul 11, 2015 at 12:57 AM, Richard Purdie
<richard.pur...@linuxfoundation.org> wrote:
>> As someone has volunteered to maintain the pre-GPLv3 parted recipe
>> (and I'll volunteer as a secondary maintainer, if that helps)
>> hopefully there would not be a "serious maintenance burden" on anyone
>> who doesn't have an interest in the older version.
> This does touch on something I have wondered about for a while, which is
> whether the time has come to move the GPLv2 pieces to their own layer
> and possibly their own maintainership. Obviously there are pros and cons
> to doing that.
> Thoughts?

interesting case, although, I know lot of real usecases of OE which
disable GPLv3 distro wide and in fact is considered a strong point for
its users, if we were to maintain them in separate layer
this would be fine but we will send a wrong message to users since we
have to clarify its not all gpl2 code but only the code which is old
and has moved to v3 etc. can cause confusion, OE's users are a bit
different than desktop distros. Now if we were talking about moving
all of GPL recipes to layer of its own thats a separate case and may
be more useful but is that possible ?

I suggest to do a survey of its use before dropping it out.
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