On 04/08/15 09:04, Mariano Lopez wrote:

On 08/03/2015 03:37 PM, Mariano Lopez wrote:

On 08/03/2015 03:20 PM, Aníbal Limón wrote:

Comments below,

On 03/08/15 06:59, mariano.lo...@linux.intel.com wrote:
From: Mariano Lopez <mariano.lo...@linux.intel.com>

This adds a new manifest file for the packages that were
deployed but not included into rootfs. The new manifest file
is in the same directory as the rootfs manifest but the name is

It also creates the directory structure for the packages and
add the license file in such directories.

The bootloader is an example of such packages.

[YOCTO #6772]

Signed-off-by: Mariano Lopez <mariano.lo...@linux.intel.com>
meta/classes/license.bbclass | 107 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
  1 file changed, 94 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)

diff --git a/meta/classes/license.bbclass b/meta/classes/license.bbclass
index 224d541..42d2748 100644
--- a/meta/classes/license.bbclass
+++ b/meta/classes/license.bbclass
@@ -26,18 +26,14 @@ python write_package_manifest() {
    python license_create_manifest() {
-    import re
      import oe.packagedata
      from oe.rootfs import image_list_installed_packages
- bad_licenses = (d.getVar("INCOMPATIBLE_LICENSE", True) or "").split() - bad_licenses = map(lambda l: canonical_license(d, l), bad_licenses)
-    bad_licenses = expand_wildcard_licenses(d, bad_licenses)
build_images_from_feeds = d.getVar('BUILD_IMAGES_FROM_FEEDS', True)
      if build_images_from_feeds == "1":
          return 0
  +    # Files that are installed in the rootfs
      pkg_dic = {}
      for pkg in image_list_installed_packages(d).split("\n"):
          pkg_info = os.path.join(d.getVar('PKGDATA_DIR', True),
@@ -49,8 +45,90 @@ python license_create_manifest() {
              pkg_lic_name = "LICENSE_" + pkg_name
pkg_dic[pkg_name]["LICENSE"] = pkg_dic[pkg_name][pkg_lic_name] - license_manifest = os.path.join(d.getVar('LICENSE_DIRECTORY', True),
Will be better to move this code into another function like image_list_installed_package to
re-utilize if needed in other parts of the code base.

It's a good idea, let me work in that and I will send another patch implementing this.

On a second thought, it won't be a reliable because it needs the BB_TASKDEPDATA for do_rootfs.

This is needed because there are some virtual dependency in the image creation, such as virtual/kernel, virtual/bootloader and the only way to get what package provides such dependency is using BB_TASKDEPDATA. If the function would be called from the do_rootfs task, it would work, otherwise it would fail. So I think
it's better to keep it this way.

It's that the case, can you define this function outside license_create_manifest but in the same file for split the functionality?.


+    # Files that are part of the image but no installed in rootfs
+    imgpkg_dic = {}
+    taskdepdata = d.getVar("BB_TASKDEPDATA", True)
+    all_depends = imagetypes_getdepends(d)
+    all_depends += " %s" % d.getVar("EXTRA_IMAGEDEPENDS", True)
+    for depend in all_depends.split():
+        # Get package name without task
+        depend = depend.split(":")[0]
+        if not depend.endswith("native"):
+            pkgs_file = os.path.join(
+                    d.getVar('PKGDATA_DIR', True), depend)
+            # Search for the file on the installed packages with the
+            # same name as depend if not found fallback to search
+            # the provider for that depend.
+            if not os.path.isfile(pkgs_file):
+                pkgs_file = ""
+                for taskdep in taskdepdata.itervalues():
+                    # The fifth field of BB_TASKDEPDATA is PROVIDES
+                    if depend in taskdep[4]:
+                        pkgs_file = os.path.join(
+                                d.getVar('PKGDATA_DIR', True),
+                                taskdep[0])
+                        if os.path.isfile(pkgs_file):
+                            break
+                        else:
+                            pkgs_file = ""
+            if pkgs_file:
+                pkgs_dep = oe.packagedata.read_pkgdatafile(pkgs_file)
+                # There is no need to duplicate license info for
+                # derivated packages or packages in the other
+                # license manifest
+                for pkg in pkgs_dep['PACKAGES'].split():
+                    if (pkg.endswith("-dbg") or
+                            pkg.endswith("-dev") or
+                            pkg.endswith("-doc") or
+                            pkg.endswith("-locale") or
+                            pkg.endswith("-localedata") or
+                            pkg.endswith("-staticdev") or
+                            pkg in pkg_dic.keys()):
+                        continue
+                    pkg_data_file = os.path.join(
+                            d.getVar('PKGDATA_DIR', True),
+                            "runtime", pkg)
+                    pkg_data = oe.packagedata.read_pkgdatafile(
+                            pkg_data_file)
+                    pkg_pe = pkg_data.get("PE","0")
+                    if pkg_pe is "0":
+ pkg_pf = "%s-%s" % (pkg_data["PV"], pkg_data["PR"])
+                    else:
+                        pkg_pf = "%s_%s-%s" % (pkg_pe,
+                                pkg_data["PV"], pkg_data["PR"])
+                    # There is no need to add the license for
+                    # packages that were not deployed
+                    pkg_deploy = os.path.join(
+                            d.getVar("TMPDIR", True), "work",
+ d.getVar("MULTIMACH_TARGET_SYS", True),
+ pkg_data["PN"], pkg_pf, "temp", "run.do_deploy")
+                    if os.path.isfile(pkg_deploy):
+                        imgpkg_dic[pkg] = pkg_data
+                        if not "LICENSE" in imgpkg_dic[pkg].keys():
+                            pkg_lic_name = "LICENSE_%s" % pkg
+                            imgpkg_dic[pkg]["LICENSE"] = \
+ imgpkg_dic[pkg][pkg_lic_name]
+            # If for some reason, couldn't find the provider
+            # print a warning to add the license manually
+            else:
+                bb.warn("Couldn't find packages that provides "
+                        "%s, please add licenses manually" % depend)
+ rootfs_license_manifest = os.path.join(d.getVar('LICENSE_DIRECTORY', True), d.getVar('IMAGE_NAME', True), 'license.manifest') + image_license_manifest = os.path.join(d.getVar('LICENSE_DIRECTORY', True), + d.getVar('IMAGE_NAME', True), 'image_license.manifest')
+    write_license_files(d, rootfs_license_manifest, pkg_dic)
+    write_license_files(d, image_license_manifest, imgpkg_dic)
+def write_license_files(d, license_manifest, pkg_dic):
+    import re
+ bad_licenses = (d.getVar("INCOMPATIBLE_LICENSE", True) or "").split() + bad_licenses = map(lambda l: canonical_license(d, l), bad_licenses)
+    bad_licenses = expand_wildcard_licenses(d, bad_licenses)
      with open(license_manifest, "w") as license_file:
          for pkg in sorted(pkg_dic):
              if bad_licenses:
@@ -98,15 +176,16 @@ python license_create_manifest() {
      if copy_lic_manifest == "1":
rootfs_license_dir = os.path.join(d.getVar('IMAGE_ROOTFS', 'True'),
                                  'usr', 'share', 'common-licenses')
-        os.makedirs(rootfs_license_dir)
+        bb.utils.mkdirhier(rootfs_license_dir)
          rootfs_license_manifest = os.path.join(rootfs_license_dir,
- 'license.manifest')
+                os.path.split(license_manifest)[1])
Why split this manifest path?
          os.link(license_manifest, rootfs_license_manifest)
            if copy_lic_dirs == "1":
              for pkg in sorted(pkg_dic):
pkg_rootfs_license_dir = os.path.join(rootfs_license_dir, pkg)
-                os.makedirs(pkg_rootfs_license_dir)
+                bb.utils.mkdirhier(pkg_rootfs_license_dir)
pkg_license_dir = os.path.join(d.getVar('LICENSE_DIRECTORY', True),
                  licenses = os.listdir(pkg_license_dir)
@@ -124,14 +203,16 @@ python license_create_manifest() {
                          if not os.path.exists(rootfs_license):
                              os.link(pkg_license, rootfs_license)
- os.symlink(os.path.join('..', lic), pkg_rootfs_license)
+                        if not os.path.exists(pkg_rootfs_license):
Why test if exist?, this code creates symlink into recipe license.
+ os.symlink(os.path.join('..', lic), pkg_rootfs_license)
-                        if oe.license.license_ok(canonical_license(d,
-                            lic), bad_licenses) == False:
+ if ((oe.license.license_ok(canonical_license(d,
+                            lic), bad_licenses) == False) or
+ os.path.exists(pkg_rootfs_license)):
Why test if exist?.
                            os.link(pkg_license, pkg_rootfs_license)
    python do_populate_lic() {



Mariano Lopez

Mariano Lopez

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