On 28 July 2015 at 15:16, Martin Jansa <martin.ja...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Close to being up to date? Aren't you talking about
> ./meta/recipes-devtools/qemu/qemu_2.4.0-rc2.bb?
> bitbake@jama:/OE/webos/ow/oe-core$ find . -name qemu\*bb -exec grep
> PV.*= {} \;
> REALPV = "2.4.0-rc2"
> PV = "2.3.99+${REALPV}"
> PV = "1.3.0+git${SRCPV}"
> As Robert said, 1.3 version is old and current qemu_git recipe broken,
> because 04024dea2674861fcf13582a77b58130c67fccd8 isn't in master branch
> anymore after it was moved to stable-1.3 branch:

For local testing it's not exactly rocket science to set SRC_URI and S in a
bbappend.  _git recipes are fine *if they're actively used* but when they
sit around and bitrot, what's the point?

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