On 04/14/2015 01:41 PM, Bryan Evenson wrote:

-----Original Message-----
From: Bryan Evenson
Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2015 11:47 AM
To: Bryan Evenson; openembedded-core@lists.openembedded.org
Subject: RE: [oe-core][dizzy][PATCH] base-files: Check for /run and /var/lock
softlinks on upgrade


-----Original Message-----
From: Bryan Evenson [mailto:beven...@melinkcorp.com]
Sent: Friday, April 10, 2015 12:44 PM
To: openembedded-core@lists.openembedded.org
Cc: Bryan Evenson
Subject: [oe-core][dizzy][PATCH] base-files: Check for /run and
/var/lock softlinks on upgrade

Commit ea647cd9eebdc3e3121b84074519c4bb305adac9 moved the
locations of
/run and /var/lock to match the FHS 3 draft specifications.
However, the install doesn't remove the existing directories.
As a result, upgrading a system may result in /run as a softlink to
/var/run and /var/run as a softlink to /run, creating a circular link.

During pre and post-install, check for the existence of the old
softlinks, move the old file contents to a temporary location, remove
the softlinks, and restore the directory contents after installation.

I went about this wrong, as I forgot that items may be mounted under /run.
I'm working on a different solution in which the preinst step removes the
/run and /var/lock softlinks if they exist.  However, I still have odd issues.
The first reboot works fine, but then on the next reboot there is a link inside
/run for "run -> /var/run" and inside /var there is a link for "run ->
/var/volatile/run".  This doesn't match up with the files listed in the 
recipe.  I can't figure out where these links are coming from.  Has anyone else
had issues upgrading base-files?

The root cause seems to be the initscripts package.  The script 
/etc/volatile.cache is generated by /etc/init.d/populate-volatile.sh.  On 
upgrade, this file is not removed and may not necessarily be regenerated.  As a 
result, on the next boot the script /etc/volatile.cache repopulates directories 
as it remembers them which may not be accurate.  In my case, after the reboot, 
the /etc/volatile.cache script deleted everything from a USB flash drive 
attached to my system when it attempted to remove /run.

So to get this portion of the upgrade to work, I had to:
1. Remove the softlinks for /run and /var/lock through a preinst script in the 
base-files recipe
2. Remove /etc/volatile.cache as a postint script in the initscripts recipe

Would someone like for me to submit a patch?


- armin



Signed-off-by: Bryan Evenson <beven...@melinkcorp.com>
  meta/recipes-core/base-files/base-files_3.0.14.bb | 55
  1 file changed, 55 insertions(+)

diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/base-files/base-files_3.0.14.bb
index 07f5c54..71cea08 100644
--- a/meta/recipes-core/base-files/base-files_3.0.14.bb
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/base-files/base-files_3.0.14.bb
@@ -66,6 +66,41 @@ hostname = "openembedded"

  BASEFILESISSUEINSTALL ?= "do_install_basefilesissue"

+# In previous versions of base-files, /run was a softlink to /var/run
+and the # directory was located in /var/volatlie/run.  Also,
+/var/lock was a softlink # to /var/volatile/lock which is where the
+real directory was located.  Now, # /run and /run/lock are the real
+directories.  If we are upgrading, we may # need to remove the symbolic
links first before we create the directories.
+# Otherwise the directory creation will fail and we will have
+circular symbolic # links.
+# If we do need to remove the symbolic links first, we also need to
+preserve # all the contents of the directory so running programs can
+find the files that # are in use in these directories.  Move the
+contents to a temporary
+# during pre-install to protect the contents pkg_preinst_${PN} () {
+    #!/bin/sh -e
+    if [ x"$D" = "x" ]; then
+        if [ -e "/var/volatile/lock" ]; then
+            # Move the contents of /var/volatile/lock to a temporary directory
+            mkdir -p /run_lock_tmp
+            mv /var/volatile/lock/* /run_lock_tmp/
+            # Remove the current directory
+            rm -rf /var/volatile/lock
+        fi
+        if [ -h "/run" ]; then
+            # Move the contents of /run to a temporary directory
+            mkdir -p /run_tmp
+            mv /run/* /run_tmp/
+            # Remove the current directory
+            rm -rf /run
+        fi
+    fi
  do_install () {
        for d in ${dirs755}; do
                install -m 0755 -d ${D}$d
@@ -79,6 +114,7 @@ do_install () {
        for d in ${volatiles}; do
                ln -sf volatile/$d ${D}${localstatedir}/$d
        ln -snf ../run ${D}${localstatedir}/run
        ln -snf ../run/lock ${D}${localstatedir}/lock

@@ -144,6 +180,25 @@ do_install_append_linuxstdbase() {

+# If we are on the actual hardware, check if we had to move /run and
+# If so, copy the temporary directory contents to their new locations.
+pkg_postinst_${PN} () {
+    #!/bin/sh -e
+    if [ x"$D" = "x" ]; then
+        if [ -e "/run_tmp" ]; then
+            mv /run_tmp/* /run/
+            rmdir /run_tmp
+        fi
+        if [ -e "/run_lock_tmp/" ]; then
+            mv /run_lock_tmp/* /run/lock
+            rmdir /run_lock_tmp
+        fi
+    else
+        exit 1
+    fi
  PACKAGES = "${PN}-doc ${PN} ${PN}-dev ${PN}-dbg"
  FILES_${PN} = "/"
  FILES_${PN}-doc = "${docdir} ${datadir}/common-licenses"

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