
Here is the contrib branch that contains the changes, some rebase is needed.


Kind regards,

On 24/02/15 10:00, Paul Eggleton wrote:
Hi Beth,

I know you're looking at rewriting some of license.bbclass in python - FYI
here's an as-yet unmerged patchset from Aníbal that may contain some of that

On Wednesday 29 October 2014 12:34:12 Aníbal Limón wrote:
Now you can specify LICENSE_PRIOTIY that enables the distro to set the
license preferences for manifest creation.

The major change is when you have OR'ed LICENSE only one is choose according
LICENSE_PRIORITY preferences if LICENSE_PRIORITY isn't specified the left
one is choosen.

The test was done building qemux86/core-image-sato with and without these
set of patches and then run diff recursive under common-licenses created

You can find a tarball with common-license directories, resulted diff and
local.conf at:


Aníbal Limón (4):
   license_class: Reimplemented manifest creation in python
   license_class: Added support for INCOMPATIBLE_LICENSE into
   license_class: Added LICENSE_PRIORITY support
   license_class: Fix remove + trim in license_create_manifest.

  meta/classes/license.bbclass | 250
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------- meta/conf/documentation.conf |
  1 +
  2 files changed, 164 insertions(+), 87 deletions(-)

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