On 2/22/15, 5:04 AM, "Richard Purdie" <richard.pur...@linuxfoundation.org>

>As people know, I've been looking at performance a little, one of the
>benchmarks is how long the kernel takes to build. I dumped out the task
>performance data from buildstats for a linux-yocto build (nothing else
>do_fetch:                 Elapsed time: 0.04 seconds
>do_unpack:                Elapsed time: 1.61 seconds
>do_kernel_checkout:       Elapsed time: 4.39 seconds
>do_validate_branches:     Elapsed time: 0.47 seconds
>do_patch:                 Elapsed time: 57.77 seconds
>do_kernel_configme:       Elapsed time: 44.92 seconds
>do_kernel_configcheck:    Elapsed time: 8.94 seconds
>do_configure:             Elapsed time: 0.60 seconds
>do_compile:               Elapsed time: 72.95 seconds
>do_compile_kernelmodules: Elapsed time: 34.84 seconds
>do_populate_lic:          Elapsed time: 0.14 seconds
>do_strip:                 Elapsed time: 0.03 seconds
>do_uboot_mkimage:         Elapsed time: 0.03 seconds
>do_install:               Elapsed time: 1.87 seconds
>do_populate_sysroot:      Elapsed time: 0.16 seconds
>do_shared_workdir:        Elapsed time: 0.05 seconds
>do_sizecheck:             Elapsed time: 0.03 seconds
>do_bundle_initramfs:      Elapsed time: 0.03 seconds
>do_kernel_link_vmlinux:   Elapsed time: 0.03 seconds
>do_deploy:                Elapsed time: 13.17 seconds
>do_package:               Elapsed time: 31.54 seconds
>do_packagedata:           Elapsed time: 0.59 seconds
>do_package_qa:            Elapsed time: 5.30 seconds
>do_package_write_ipk:     Elapsed time: 83.24 seconds
>do_package_write_rpm:     Elapsed time: 44.58 seconds
>The "core" was getting blamed for a lot of the build time. As can be
>seen, the "core" isn't taking that much time now, apart from the fact
>that ipk packaging seems to be taking twice the time of rpm which needs
>looking into.
>Some tasks like the compile tasks are understandable and likely
>minimised by upstream work already.
>The other tasks which as consuming a disproportionate amount of time are
>kernel_configme and patch, I believe we need to look into those a little
>further too. To put it into context, should the kernel compile be at the
>same order of magnitude as the patch and configure?

Agreed, that was may take away from the above.

Darren Hart
Intel Open Source Technology Center

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