During packaging, check if there are any dependencies (RDEPENDS)
on packages that have ended up empty and not produced; and if so
produce an warn/error as soon as possible, instead of allowing
the build to proceed up to do_rootfs and then the package manager
reporting the package as missing.

At the moment, we use bb.persist_data as a global database to
collect all available packages rdepends and rprovides. So in the
do_package_qa task, while package not produced, we could compute
rdepends chain, and report warn/error immediately.

[YOCTO #5531]
[YOCTO #6420]

Signed-off-by: Hongxu Jia <hongxu....@windriver.com>
 meta/classes/insane.bbclass | 93 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 92 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/meta/classes/insane.bbclass b/meta/classes/insane.bbclass
index 0b45374..a0eff37 100644
--- a/meta/classes/insane.bbclass
+++ b/meta/classes/insane.bbclass
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ QA_SANE = "True"
 WARN_QA ?= "ldflags useless-rpaths rpaths staticdev libdir xorg-driver-abi \
             textrel already-stripped incompatible-license files-invalid \
             installed-vs-shipped compile-host-path install-host-path \
-            pn-overrides infodir build-deps file-rdeps \
+            pn-overrides infodir build-deps file-rdeps package-missing \
 ERROR_QA ?= "dev-so debug-deps dev-deps debug-files arch pkgconfig la \
             perms dep-cmp pkgvarcheck perm-config perm-line perm-link \
@@ -868,6 +868,15 @@ def package_qa_check_rdepends(pkg, pkgdest, skip, 
taskdeps, packages, d):
                             (pkg, ', '.join(str(e) for e in filerdepends))
                 sane = package_qa_handle_error("file-rdeps", error_msg, d)
+        if "package-missing" not in skip and \
+               not pkg.endswith("-dev") and not pkg.endswith("-staticdev") and 
+               not pkg.endswith("-locale") and not pkg.endswith("-dbg") and \
+               not pkg.endswith("-doc"):
+            if not oe.packagedata.packaged(pkg, d):
+                error_msg = "package %s not generated, but listed in 
PACKAGES\n" % pkg
+                error_msg += compute_rdepends_chain(pkg, d)
+                sane = package_qa_handle_error("package-missing", error_msg, d)
     return sane
 def package_qa_check_deps(pkg, pkgdest, skip, d):
@@ -1152,3 +1161,85 @@ python () {
     for i in issues:
         package_qa_handle_error("pkgvarcheck", "%s: Variable %s is set as not 
being package specific, please fix this." % (d.getVar("FILE", True), i), d)
+# Add a handler to collect all available packages rdepends and rprovides
+# to a global database (bb.persist_data). So the recipe could find out
+# which others rdepends on it. We filter out "-dev, -staticdev, -locale,
+# -dbg, -doc" packages.
+# Such as:
+# RDEPENDS_pkg1 = "pkg2 pkg3"
+# RDEPENDS_pkg4 = "pkg3 pkg5"
+# equals:
+# rdeps_dict = {'pkg2': 'pkg1', 'pkg3': 'pkg1 pkg4', 'pkg5':'pkg4'}
+# RPROVIDES_pkg6 = "pkg2 pkg7"
+# RPROVIDES_pkg7 = "pkg5"
+# equals:
+# rprovides_dict = {'pkg6': 'pkg2 pkg7', 'pkg7': 'pkg5'}
+python collect_package_rdepends_handler () {
+    d = e.data
+    pkgs = []
+    for pkg in (d.getVar('PACKAGES', True) or '').split():
+        if pkg.endswith("-dev") or pkg.endswith("-staticdev") or \
+           pkg.endswith("-locale") or pkg.endswith("-dbg") or \
+           pkg.endswith("-doc"):
+            continue
+        pkgs.append(pkg)
+    if not pkgs:
+        return
+    rdeps_dict = bb.persist_data.persist('BB_RDEPENDED_CHAIN', d)
+    for pkg in pkgs:
+        rdeps = (d.getVar('RDEPENDS_%s' % pkg, True) or "").split()
+        for rdep in rdeps:
+            # Filter out pkg which rdepends itself
+            if pkg == rdep:
+                continue
+            if rdep in rdeps_dict and pkg not in rdeps_dict[rdep].split():
+                rdeps_dict[rdep] += ' %s' % pkg
+            elif rdep not in rdeps_dict:
+                rdeps_dict[rdep] = '%s' % pkg
+    rprovides_dict = bb.persist_data.persist('BB_RPROVIDES_CHAIN', d)
+    for pkg in pkgs:
+        rprovides = (d.getVar('RPROVIDES_%s' % pkg, True) or "").split()
+        if rprovides:
+            rprovides_dict[pkg] = ' '.join(set(rprovides))
+addhandler collect_package_rdepends_handler
+collect_package_rdepends_handler[eventmask] = "bb.event.RecipeParsed"
+def compute_rdepends_chain(pkg, d):
+    rdeps_dict = bb.persist_data.persist('BB_RDEPENDED_CHAIN', d)
+    rprovides_dict = bb.persist_data.persist('BB_RPROVIDES_CHAIN', d)
+    def get_parents(pkg):
+        parents = []
+        message = ""
+        if pkg not in rdeps_dict and pkg in rprovides_dict:
+            for rprovide in rprovides_dict[pkg].split():
+                # Use rprovide to instead of pkg
+                if rprovide in rdeps_dict:
+                    message = '("%s" rprovides "%s")\n' % (pkg, rprovide)
+                    pkg = rprovide
+                    break
+        if pkg in rdeps_dict:
+            parents = rdeps_dict[pkg].split()
+            for parent in parents:
+                message += '"%s" -> "%s"\n' % (parent, pkg)
+            for parent in parents:
+                message += get_parents(parent)
+        return message
+    message = get_parents(pkg)
+    if message:
+        message = "Compute rdepends chains, '-->' means 'runtime depends'\n" \
+                  + message
+    return message

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