On 20 October 2014 15:50, Peter A. Bigot <p...@pabigot.com> wrote:
> There's this bugzilla entry:
> https://bugzilla.yoctoproject.org/show_bug.cgi?id=5031
> I see a NAKd patch set from about 26 Mar 2014 which tried to add
> virtual/bluez.  The outcome was that a rework would be done and tested and
> resubmitted latter. In the related discussion there was some concern that
> dependent packages were still not ready to move even though the last bluez4
> release was in June 2012.
> With a little local hacking I can get bluez5 working well enough for my BTLE
> needs on beaglebone (mostly s/bluez4/bluez5/g and a PROVIDER for
> bluez-hcidump).  Does anybody have plans to work this during the early 1.8
> development cycle?  It looks pretty straightforward, but Idon't use BT in
> enough variants and packages to be able to test the full set of required
> patches.

At the time the blocker was that some use cases (bluetooth headset, I
think) was non-functional with BlueZ 5, because functionality needed
to be added to PulseAudio and oFono.  Yes, this needs to be revisited
in 1.8.

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