On Thu, 2014-10-09 at 15:50 +0000, Lauren Post wrote:
> I've narrowed down that 1 or 2 updates on poky from 9/16 are causing my 
> problems.     If I revert only these 2 commits my build problems are resolved.
> In our build script on Jenkins we always build kernel, then uboot with a 
> force deploy then our image then we build the image.  I see the errors when 
> we build the  image.  I believe the force deploy might be part of the 
> problem.  We do that so in case of dirty builds we always guarantee the 
> kernel and uboot in the images directory (although I hit this with clean 
> builds every time).  On local machine if I only build image I never see the 
> problem, only when I build locally with our build script.
> This gcc revision I believe is causing the db and gcc runtime issues.
> http://git.yoctoproject.org/cgit/cgit.cgi/poky/commit/?h=dizzy&id=14ace86d508a5bdbb8139ce6af09de4d89b44595
> I also think this poky revision might be causing the fetch/unpack
> issues.  In this issue we fetch works based on log output, unpack
> fails and when I look at downloads I see the <package>.lock in the
> downloads directory.  Happens randomly on many components.  I'm doing
> a build with only gcc patch above to confirm if the unpack failures
> come back without this commit below reverted.
> http://git.yoctoproject.org/cgit/cgit.cgi/poky/commit/?h=dizzy&id=7d80f8e9468253496a7097685aac8f468940a9c5

Do you have a link to the full error logs of the issue you're seeing? I
doubt this second commit would cause issues. It only affects the output
of bitbake -e when variable history tracking is enabled.

The first patch fixed several different problems but is is possible you
have a different race issue in your toolchain bootstrap process. Its
hard for me to comment without seeing the errors or knowning which
layers are involved.



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