With the recent vulnerabilities, a bunch of patches are being sent up to the list. The content is generally fine, but I'm wondering if for master we should apply all of the official bash patches to get to the latest patch version, instead of applying various 'security' fixes that may or may not be the official version.

For instance, bash_4.3:

SRC_URI = "${GNU_MIRROR}/bash/${BPN}-${PV}.tar.gz;name=tarball \
[followed by a bunch of local patches]

ncftp .../bash/bash-4.3-patches > ls
bash43-001 bash43-004.sig bash43-008 bash43-011.sig bash43-015 bash43-018.sig bash43-022 bash43-025.sig bash43-001.sig bash43-005 bash43-008.sig bash43-012 bash43-015.sig bash43-019 bash43-022.sig bash43-026 bash43-002 bash43-005.sig bash43-009 bash43-012.sig bash43-016 bash43-019.sig bash43-023 bash43-026.sig bash43-002.sig bash43-006 bash43-009.sig bash43-013 bash43-016.sig bash43-020 bash43-023.sig bash43-027 bash43-003 bash43-006.sig bash43-010 bash43-013.sig bash43-017 bash43-020.sig bash43-024 bash43-027.sig bash43-003.sig bash43-007 bash43-010.sig bash43-014 bash43-017.sig bash43-021 bash43-024.sig bash43-028 bash43-004 bash43-007.sig bash43-011 bash43-014.sig bash43-018 bash43-021.sig bash43-025 bash43-028.sig

The community has 28 patches for various bugs (and these security issues) posted. Would it make sense to update to bash 4.3 (28)?

In our bash 3.2.48:

SRC_URI = "${GNU_MIRROR}/bash/bash-${PV}.tar.gz;name=tarball \

${GNU_MIRROR}/bash/bash-3.2-patches/bash32-049;apply=yes;striplevel=0;name=patch001 \

${GNU_MIRROR}/bash/bash-3.2-patches/bash32-050;apply=yes;striplevel=0;name=patch002 \

${GNU_MIRROR}/bash/bash-3.2-patches/bash32-051;apply=yes;striplevel=0;name=patch003 \

Some of the upstream items are applied, but I'm wondering if we should extend that to patch level 55 (the latest) in the same way.

Both patch level 4.3 - 28 and 3.2.48 - 55 will apply all of the fixes that keep getting submitted plus a set of other general bugs. It will also make it easier for security scanners to simply check the version and know the right fixes have been applied.

(Note, there will be at least one more patch coming out that fixes a few more defects according to the mailing lists. I expect it today or tomorrow.)

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