On Sat, Sep 6, 2014 at 9:03 AM, Peter A. Bigot <p...@pabigot.com> wrote:
> Apparently not. I don't have an account, and while trying to figure out how
> to request one got to a situation where I get 502 Bad Gateway on every
> request to www.openembedded.org.
> The help output from pwclient and the comments in your example (and the ones
> downloaded from each project) cover it pretty well, though.  Just wanted to
> highlight to the current readership that the new version supports multiple
> projects in one config file. (Breaking the way I've been doing it for the
> last couple years which figured out the right default based on context, but
> hey, progress, right?)

OK. I thought you have a improved version of .pwclientrc, just send it
here. I will update the wiki
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