On Sat, Aug 16, 2014 at 05:50:38PM -0700, Khem Raj wrote:
> Hello All
> musl <http://www.musl-libc.org/> is a newer implementation licensed
> under MIT licence
> A layer to support musl to supply your system C library as an
> alternative to uclibc and eglibc/glibc  is now available at
> https://github.com/kraj/meta-musl
> README describes way to get going with it.
> Few things to note
> * Supports gcc 4.9 in OE not 4.8
> * Current musl recipe is 1.1.4 based
> * You need latest master of OE-Core
> (106305227003761c3fc562c21bb859a5256f2b36) or          newer and
> bitbake
> * Its only able to build core-image-minimal
> * core-image-minimal boots on qemuarm, qemuppc, qemumips, qemux86, qemux86-64
> I will send a request to add it to layerindex soon and then you should
> be able to find it using
> layerindex.opernembedded.org as well
> If you try it out on your hardware and/or have feedback I am
> interested. Fork it from github, file bugs
> send patches ....
> Happy hacking

core-image-minimal works with my configuration on qemuarm. It also successfully
builds what will soon be released as opkg-0.2.3 and the recipe for toybox-0.4.9
which I've recently created.

I tried building core-image-full-cmdline as I think that would be good next step
from core-image-minimal. I'm seeing failures in:

  meta/recipes-devtools/e2fsprogs/e2fsprogs_1.42.9.bb, do_compile
  meta/recipes-extended/tcp-wrappers/tcp-wrappers_7.6.bb, do_compile
  meta/recipes-extended/libtirpc/libtirpc_0.2.4.bb, do_compile
  meta/recipes-extended/iptables/iptables_1.4.21.bb, do_compile
  meta/recipes-connectivity/nfs-utils/libnfsidmap_0.25.bb, do_compile
  meta/recipes-devtools/perl/perl_5.20.0.bb, do_compile
  meta/recipes-extended/sysklogd/sysklogd_1.5.bb, do_compile
  meta/recipes-extended/ethtool/ethtool_3.14.bb, do_compile
  meta/recipes-extended/psmisc/psmisc_22.21.bb, do_compile
  meta/recipes-extended/pax/pax_3.4.bb, do_compile
  meta/recipes-extended/procps/procps_3.2.8.bb, do_compile
  meta/recipes-extended/net-tools/net-tools_1.60-25.bb, do_compile
  meta/recipes-extended/findutils/findutils_4.4.2.bb, do_compile
  meta/recipes-extended/logrotate/logrotate_3.8.7.bb, do_compile
  meta/recipes-extended/cronie/cronie_1.4.11.bb, do_compile
  meta/recipes-devtools/elfutils/elfutils_0.148.bb, do_compile
  meta/recipes-extended/at/at_3.1.14.bb, do_compile
  meta/recipes-extended/iputils/iputils_s20121221.bb, do_compile
  meta/recipes-extended/gzip/gzip_1.6.bb, do_compile
  meta/recipes-extended/sudo/sudo_1.8.10p3.bb, do_compile
  meta/recipes-extended/mc/mc_4.8.12.bb, do_compile

I can share detailed logs if anyone wants them. I'll have a look and see if I
can find some low hanging fruit amongst these which are easy to fix. 


Paul Barker

Email: p...@paulbarker.me.uk

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