Also it has machine dependent ignore filters.

Signed-off-by: Lucian Musat <>
 meta/lib/oeqa/runtime/ | 128 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 128 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 meta/lib/oeqa/runtime/

diff --git a/meta/lib/oeqa/runtime/ 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d4a21b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/lib/oeqa/runtime/
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+import os
+import unittest
+from oeqa.oetest import oeRuntimeTest
+from oeqa.utils.decorators import *
+#in the future these lists could be moved outside of module
+errors = ["error", "cannot", "can\'t", "failed"]
+ignore_errors = { 'genericx86-64': ['mmci-pl18x', 'error changing net 
interface name', 'dma timeout'], \
+                'genericx86': ['mmci-pl18x', 'error changing net interface 
name', 'dma timeout', 'AE_ALREADY_EXISTS'], \
+                'emenlow': ['mmci-pl18x', 'error changing net interface name', 
'dma timeout', 'AE_ALREADY_EXISTS', '\[drm:psb_do_init\] \*ERROR\* Debug is'], \
+                'crownbay': ['mmci-pl18x', 'error changing net interface 
name', 'dma timeout', 'AE_ALREADY_EXISTS', 'Could not enable PowerButton 
event', 'probe of LNXPWRBN:00 failed with error -22'], \
+                'qemuarm': ['mmci-pl18x', 'error changing net interface name', 
'dma timeout', 'mmci-pl18x: probe of fpga:[0-f][0-f] failed with error -38', 
'wrong ELF class', 'Fast TSC calibration', 'AE_NOT_FOUND', 'Open ACPI failed', 
'Failed to load module "glx"', '\(EE\) error', 'perfctr msr \(MSR c1 is 0\)', 
'MMCONFIG information'], \
+                'qemux86-64': ['mmci-pl18x', 'error changing net interface 
name', 'dma timeout', 'wrong ELF class', 'Fast TSC calibration', 
'AE_NOT_FOUND', 'Open ACPI failed', 'Failed to load module "glx"', '\(EE\) 
error', 'perfctr msr \(MSR c1 is 0\)', 'MMCONFIG information'] }
+log_locations = ["/var/log/","/var/log/dmesg", "/tmp/dmesg_output.log"]
+class ParseLogsTest(oeRuntimeTest):
+    @classmethod
+    def setUpClass(self):
+        self.errors = errors
+        self.ignore_errors = ignore_errors
+        self.log_locations = log_locations
+        self.msg = ""
+    def getMachine(self):
+        (status, output) ="uname -n")
+        return output
+    #get some information on the CPU of the machine to display at the 
beginning of the output. This info might be useful in some cases.
+    def getHardwareInfo(self):
+        hwi = ""
+        (status, cpu_name) ="cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep \"model 
name\" | head -n1 | awk 'BEGIN{FS=\":\"}{print $2}'")
+        (status, cpu_physical_cores) ="cat /proc/cpuinfo | 
grep \"cpu cores\" | head -n1 | awk {'print $4'}")
+        (status, cpu_logical_cores) ="cat /proc/cpuinfo | 
grep \"processor\" | wc -l")
+        (status, cpu_arch) ="uname -m")
+        hwi += "Machine information: \n"
+        hwi += "*******************************\n"
+        hwi += "Machine name: "+self.getMachine()+"\n"
+        hwi += "CPU: "+str(cpu_name)+"\n"
+        hwi += "Arch: "+str(cpu_arch)+"\n"
+        hwi += "Physical cores: "+str(cpu_physical_cores)+"\n"
+        hwi += "Logical cores: "+str(cpu_logical_cores)+"\n"
+        hwi += "*******************************\n"
+        return hwi
+    #go through the log locations provided and if it's a folder create a list 
with all the .log files in it, if it's a file just add 
+    #it to that list
+    def getLogList(self, log_locations):
+        logs = []
+        for location in log_locations:
+            (status, output) ="test -f "+str(location))
+            if (status == 0):
+                logs.append(str(location))
+            else:
+                (status, output) ="test -d "+str(location))
+                if (status == 0):
+                    (status, output) ="find 
"+str(location)+"/*.log -maxdepth 1 -type f")
+                    output = output.splitlines()
+                    for logfile in output:
+                        logs.append(os.path.join(location,str(logfile)))
+        return logs
+    #build the grep command to be used with filters and exclusions
+    def build_grepcmd(self, errors, ignore_errors, log):
+        grepcmd = "grep "
+        grepcmd +="-Ei \""
+        for error in errors:
+            grepcmd += error+"|"
+        grepcmd = grepcmd[:-1]
+        grepcmd += "\" "+str(log)+" | grep -Eiv \'"
+        try:
+            errorlist = ignore_errors[self.getMachine()]
+        except KeyError:
+            self.msg += "No ignore list found for this machine, using 
+            errorlist = ignore_errors['genericx86']
+        for ignore_error in errorlist:
+            grepcmd += ignore_error+"|"
+        grepcmd = grepcmd[:-1]
+        grepcmd += "\'"
+        return grepcmd
+    #grep only the errors so that their context could be collected. Default 
context is 10 lines before and after the error itself
+    def parse_logs(self, errors, ignore_errors, logs, lines_before = 10, 
lines_after = 10):
+        results = {}
+        rez = []
+        for log in logs:
+            thegrep = self.build_grepcmd(errors, ignore_errors, log)
+            try:
+                (status, result) =
+            except:
+                pass
+            if result:
+                results[log] = {}
+                rez = result.splitlines()
+                for xrez in rez:
+                    command = "grep \"\\"+str(xrez)+"\" -B 
"+str(lines_before)+" -A "+str(lines_after)+" "+str(log)
+                    try:
+                        (status, yrez) =
+                    except:
+                        pass
+                    results[log][xrez]=yrez
+        return results
+    #get the output of dmesg and write it in a file. This file is added to 
+    def write_dmesg(self):
+        (status, dmesg) ="dmesg")
+        (status, dmesg2) ="echo \""+str(dmesg)+"\" > 
+    @skipUnlessPassed('test_ssh')
+    def test_parselogs(self):
+        self.write_dmesg()
+        log_list = self.getLogList(self.log_locations)
+        result = self.parse_logs(self.errors, self.ignore_errors, log_list)
+        print self.getHardwareInfo()
+        errcount = 0
+        for log in result:
+            self.msg += "Log: "+log+"\n"
+            self.msg += "-----------------------\n"
+            for error in result[log]:
+                errcount += 1
+                self.msg += "Central error: "+str(error)+"\n"
+                self.msg +=  "***********************\n"
+                self.msg +=  result[str(log)][str(error)]+"\n"
+                self.msg +=  "***********************\n"
+        self.msg += "%s errors found in logs." % errcount
+        self.assertEqual(errcount, 0, msg=self.msg)
\ No newline at end of file

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