On Mon, Jul 28, 2014 at 5:28 PM, akuster <akus...@mvista.com> wrote:
>>> I think at very least you can propose it for meta-oe if not or-core.
> I think core libcap-ng recipe belongs in a common layer and not maintained
> in two places.

yes meta-oe is kind of extended common layer besides oe-core, if it
can be proven that we can drop libpcap and replace its use completely
with libpcap-ng you might have a better case to include it in oe-core,

>>> But I also wonder why meta-selinux is not a sub-layer under
>>> meta-security,
>> meta-selinux existed first... no other reason.
>> The last time I looked at meta-security (well over a year ago), it
>> wasn't terribly useful.
> Well when a security package like 'snort' and maybe others are in other
> locations, I can see why meta-security won't be very useful.
>  It was just a random collection of
>> security-like packages, some worked, some didn't.
> Hopefully that will change.
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