On śro, 2014-07-23 at 14:21 -0500, Tom Zanussi wrote:
> Sorry, I'm not seeing how this fixes the problem (best would be to
> explain that in the patch description too), or for that matter, how to
> reproduce the problem.  Could you elaborate?

Right, the wording might be unfortunate and not reflect what actually
happens behind the scenes.

DirectImageCreator.__write_fstab() generates new /etc/fstab in sysroot.
The contents are the original entries in /etc/fstab + the partitions
listed in *.wks (skipping / and /boot). A backup of the
original /etc/fstab is made in temp.

A counterpart call to DirectImageCreator.__restore_fstab() brings back
the original version into sysroot, so that the whole process does not
leave any files in the original tree.

The problem is that calling __restore_fstab() before
__instimage.add_partition() brings back the original fstab before the
partition file actually is built. As such, any extra partitions listed
in *.wks never make it to /etc/fstab. 

For instance I add an extra user data partition like this:

part /media/data --ondisk mmcblk0p --fstype=vfat --label data --...

will not be reflected in /etc/fstab and not mounted when system is
brought up. The patch resolves this problem.

Maciej Borzęcki
Senior Software Developer at Open-RnD Sp. z o.o., Poland
mobile: +48 889 117 365, fax: +48 42 657 9079

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