I know that with some of the changes in oe-core, meta-oe is suffering a
little. I've been working on fixing up some of a world build of meta-oe
with patches including the problematic autoconf one applied.

My WIP is:


I appreciate its a huge patch and needs splitting up but there are only
so many hours in the day.

Of note are a few sepbuild fixes in there and one for the binconfig pcre
issue that apache2 has, introduced by the binconfig change in OE-Core. I
took the opportunity to clean up the -native recipe a bit, it should be
closer to the main recipe and allow it to be converted to BBCLASSEXTEND
in due course.

There are some fixes for talloc which I know has caused some headaches

I will try and find the time to clean this up and submit it piece by
piece but if anyone beats me to it, great and hopefully nobody will
duplicate the work.



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