On 16 May 2014 11:18, Zongchun YU <b40...@freescale.com> wrote:
>>>Also I think this should be opt-in not forcibly enabled as not everyone 
>>>would want API documentation to be generated.
> [Zongchun] Yes. it is opt-in. the source code of packages should be written 
> follow the rules of doxygen. If not. doxygen will not generate docs.

It's not opt-in: once a recipe is using doxygen.bbclass then it has a
build dependency on doxygen-native and *will* generate documentation.
This is needless overhead if you don't intend to read the

>>>Pretty sure you'll want to run doxygen after do_compile in case the 
>>>documentation is generated from files built at compile time.  But don't most 
>>>packages that use doxygen invoke it themselves?  You're also not actually 
>>>installing the documentation anywhere.
> [Zongchun] doxygen just use source code(follow the rules of doxygen) of 
> packages to generate docs. not use files built at compile time. Some packages 
> may just need to fetch and patch the source code and then generate docs. the 
> configure file of doxygen have options to specify the generated docs types 
> and location. Whether install the docs may depend the packages.

You can't assert that the documentation is solely generated on the
shipped files in the tarballs: what if some of the files are
machine-generated?  Or if with for example DBus, the doxygen is

I've nothing against a doxygen class and would like to also see a
gtk-doc class that isn't a stub, with a single distribution-level
"generate API documentation" variable controlling them.  But the
documentation has to be generated at build time, and I think it's fair
to assume that is a package has API documentation then "make" will
build it, otherwise the method to build the documentation will be
different for every package.

For example, DBus has a Doxyfile.in at the top of the source tree, so
not only does configure needs to run to generate a Doxyfile but that
Doxyfile is written to ${B}, not ${S}.

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