On 30 April 2014 16:54, Richard Purdie
<richard.pur...@linuxfoundation.org> wrote:
> On Tue, 2014-04-29 at 08:22 +0200, Mirza Krak wrote:
>> Hi.
>> I recently updated my Ubuntu PC to 14.04 LTS which broke yocto builds.
>>   From what I can see is that there seems to be an issue with the tar
>> command and quilt-native recipe. But I am to newb to fix this. Do you
>> guys have any ideas?
> You're using an old release on a modern system which wasn't around when
> the release was made.

Just wanted to add to the comments on this as I got into a discussion
on the mailing list about this recently. The recommendations I got
were to keep the old branch on the old version of the distro that you
were using. With linux containers being supported in Ubuntu 14.04,
it's pretty easy to create a container with Ubuntu 12.04 installed and
use that for building old branches of OpenEmbedded. If you can't find
a good guide online on how to set this up, let me know and I'll write
up a blog post of how I did it.

For example, in my situation I have a system image built against the
dylan branch which I need to continue supporting and I can't
realistically upgrade to a newer branch. I now have a Ubuntu 12.04
container running that build, while new builds against the daisy or
master branches are being done in a Ubuntu 14.04 container.

Hope this helps,

Paul Barker

Email: p...@paulbarker.me.uk
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