On Sat, Mar 15, 2014 at 12:42 AM, Darren Hart <dvh...@linux.intel.com> wrote:
> On 3/14/14, 20:51, "Bruce Ashfield" <bruce.ashfi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>On Fri, Mar 14, 2014 at 5:15 PM, Darren Hart <dvh...@linux.intel.com>
>>> The Yocto kernel tools look for SRCREV_machine in do_validate_branches,
>>> if it's empty, it just returns and silently continues. This likely needs
>>> at least a warning. However, this recipe should be using SRCREV_machine,
>>> and not just SRCREV.
> Saul had a recipe using Linus' git tree and an old rev in master. It
> worked in 1.3, but not in 1.5. He found that without setting
> SRCREV_machine specifically, the wrong SRCREV would be checked out, and
> the subsequent patches would fail to apply. Saul can provide specifics.
> Happy to have this wait until we've spelled it out correctly.

ok, that sounds plausible.

he change looks fine to me, since every other kernel user of the kernel-yocto
machine_meta SRCREV has machine properly specified, this one should
as well ..regardless of what was happening.

So consider this Acked-by: Bruce Ashfield <bruce.ashfi...@windriver.com>


> --
> Darren
>>I can't think of anything that breaks with this .. but my spidey
>>senses are tingling.
>>This log should tell us what actually broke in the end ? What failed
>>to build / work
>>or otherwise explode ?
>>> Signed-off-by: Darren Hart <dvh...@linux.intel.com>
>>> Reported-by: Saul Wold <s...@linux.intel.com>
>>> Cc: Bruce Ashfield <bruce.ashfi...@windriver.com>
>>> ---
>>>  .../recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-custom.bb     |    2 +-
>>>  1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
>>> diff --git a/meta-skeleton/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-custom.bb
>>> index 4115d2f..42162f3 100644
>>> --- a/meta-skeleton/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-custom.bb
>>> +++ b/meta-skeleton/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-custom.bb
>>> @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ LINUX_VERSION_EXTENSION ?= "-custom"
>>>  # Override SRCREV to point to a different commit in a bbappend file to
>>>  # build a different release of the Linux kernel.
>>>  # tag: v3.4 76e10d158efb6d4516018846f60c2ab5501900bc
>>> -SRCREV="76e10d158efb6d4516018846f60c2ab5501900bc"
>>> +SRCREV_machine="76e10d158efb6d4516018846f60c2ab5501900bc"
>>>  PR = "r1"
>>>  PV = "${LINUX_VERSION}+git${SRCPV}"
>>> --
>>> --
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>>thee at its end"

"Thou shalt not follow the NULL pointer, for chaos and madness await
thee at its end"
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