On 14/03/2014 18:57, Saul Wold wrote:
On 03/14/2014 11:34 AM, Paul Barker wrote:
I'm stuck using Dylan for a project as I need a 3.2 series kernel.
Building on my current development machine I ran into two failures:
eglibc-initial, do_configure: Make 4.0 isn't recognised
This can be fixed by backporting
a678243d6e4add90c1e9459da42de34d3724db5d (already in Dora).
linux-yocto_3.2: do_patch: Unsupported version of git (1.9.0)
I fixed this by removing git-native from ASSUME_PROVIDED in
meta/conf/bitbake.conf so that git-native- was built and used.
That isn't something we should commit in Dylan but may be useful for
others to know the solution if they run into the same problem.
Can't you use the buildtools tarball? It includes the right version of
make and git.
Indeed, this is what I do on my ArchLinux machines when something is too
new; it's just a simple sourcing of an environment file before the build
and you're good to go.
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