On 02/26/2014 06:02 PM, Burton, Ross wrote:
On 26 February 2014 07:33, Chen Qi <qi.c...@windriver.com> wrote:
This is because for qemumips, there are no such files in SRC_URI. And
actually we don't need such files. So for qemumips, the `cp' command
is expected to fail.
Those files contain the definitions of things like word size and byte
ordering, so unless I've misunderstood the build process for numpy
what's happening with this patch is that it's using the host


Those files are there already.
For archs like x86, we first replace them so that the build process doesn't fail (according to the comments in the recipe); but for mips/ppc, we don't need to do so, the build just succeeds.

chenqi@pek-hostel-vm07:~/poky/build-qemumips64 [0] $ ls tmp/work/mips64-poky-linux/python-numpy/1.7.0-r1/numpy-1.7.0/build/src.linux-i686-2.7/numpy/core/include/numpy/ config.h __multiarray_api.c __multiarray_api.h multiarray_api.txt _numpyconfig.h __ufunc_api.c __ufunc_api.h ufunc_api.txt __umath_generated.c

Best Regards,
Chen Qi
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