Hello Trevor,

On Fri, Jan 31, 2014 at 8:47 PM, Trevor Woerner
<trevor.woer...@linaro.org> wrote:
> Add the Linux kernel's "get_maintainer.pl" script so it is available for use
> with OE/Yocto layers. This script departs from the Linux kernel's version in a
> couple of minor ways:
>         - here there is no "penguin_chief", just an "oe_chief"
>         - it is very hard to determine if the user is located at the top of a
>           valid OE/Yocto layer or not (i.e. some layers have 'conf/local.conf'
>           files, but sometimes (e.g. openembedded-core the top-level
>           directory is a placeholder and the "real" layers are below)
>           therefore don't try to make this determination; the only
>           requirement is that there be a ".git" directory
>         - not all layers (yet!) contain a "MAINTAINERS" file, therefore be
>           able to work without one
>         - add all the patch tags specified in
>           http://www.linuxfoundation.org/content/54-patch-formatting
>         - remove Linux kernel-specific wording/references
> Signed-off-by: Trevor Woerner <trevor.woer...@linaro.org>

I like to idea and I second this pull request, the only thing I would
like to see added is the possibility of grabing the maintainers for
boards from the machine .conf file. This is the way we're using at
meta-fsl-arm and meta-fsl-arm-extra. What do you think?

Otavio Salvador                             O.S. Systems
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