On Thu, 2014-01-09 at 01:32 +0100, Martin Jansa wrote:
> I'm not saying that oe-core should be tested with 30 layers like my
> world build, but why cannot AB have special build which builds
> oe-core + meta-xorg + meta-gnome
> and runs some runtime QA tests on that and then some other build with
> oe-core + meta-python
> for piglit tests?

There's probably no reason that it can't be done.  There are possibly a
few reasons why it might not be a good idea though:

- someone would need to keep track of what version of each layer the AB
needs to be using and update its configuration accordingly;

- there is a risk that you might end up spending all your time chasing
spurious oe-core QA failures caused by problems with those external
layers rather than finding genuine bugs in oe-core itself;

- if either of those layers start depending on something else then you
would need to add those dependencies as well, and so on potentially ad

- if something goes wrong in (say) meta-gnome that starts causing
oe-core testsuite failures then you will be reliant on the meta-gnome
maintainers to fix the problem in a reasonable time.

If you're going to make testing be a first-class part of the oe-core
development cycle then I think you can mount a fairly convincing
argument that the core ought to be testable using only things that are
either inside oe-core or at least under the control of the same


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