I understand and support reasons behind recently added commit
"fetch2/git: Add sanity check to ensure we really did fetch the correct

but there is at least one corner case which IMHO isn't supported now, in
meta-webos we have yajl recipe with:

# corresponds to tag 1.0.12
SRCREV = "17b1790fb9c8abbb3c0f7e083864a6a014191d56"
SRC_URI = "git://github.com/lloyd/${PN}"

the problem is that 17b1790fb9c8abbb3c0f7e083864a6a014191d56 exists only
in 1.0.12 tag and not in any branch

OE @ ~/webos/projects/yajl $ git branch -a --contains
OE @ ~/webos/projects/yajl $ git tag --contains

There is "1.x" branch which contains parent of
17b1790fb9c8abbb3c0f7e083864a6a014191d56 but is missing this one commit.

Unfortunately we cannot "disable" this check by explicitly setting empty
branch or setting tag=1.0.12

I can ask yajl owner to push that one missing patch to 1.x branch, but
there were no changes in last 11 months so I don't know how responsive
he will be and there could be similar case in different recipes where
the upstream could be completely gone.

As side note, should bitbake do the same check when tag=foo is

Martin 'JaMa' Jansa     jabber: martin.ja...@gmail.com

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