On Nov 19, 2013, at 2:45 PM, Richard Purdie 
<richard.pur...@linuxfoundation.org> wrote:

> On Tue, 2013-11-19 at 14:39 -0800, Khem Raj wrote:
>> On Nov 19, 2013, at 2:36 PM, Richard Purdie 
>> <richard.pur...@linuxfoundation.org> wrote:
>>> On Tue, 2013-11-19 at 14:29 -0800, Khem Raj wrote:
>>>> Well reproducer case is that build from sstate but such that an external 
>>>> module needs to be rebuilt
>>>> if external module also comes from sstate then it all is fine. Its only 
>>>> when everything is coming from
>>>> sstate except this external module which needs to be rebuilt then you see 
>>>> this problem.
>>>> now, I see the code in module-base.class
>>>> #
>>>> # Ensure the hostprogs are available for module compilation. Modules that
>>>> # inherit this recipe and override do_compile() should be sure to call
>>>> # do_make_scripts() or ensure the scripts are built independently.
>>>> #
>>>> do_make_scripts() {
>>>>       make CC="${KERNEL_CC}" LD="${KERNEL_LD}" AR="${KERNEL_AR}" \
>>>>                  -C ${STAGING_KERNEL_DIR} scripts
>>>> }
>>>> so it expects that, do_make_scripts is explicitly called by external 
>>>> module recipes
>>>> and my recipes did override module_do_compile task but not do_compile like 
>>>> below
>>>> module_do_compile() {
>>>>       oe_runmake
>>>> }
>>>> so, is comment wrong there should it say module_do_compile instead ?
>>>> will it work with sstate always ?
>>>> it will be OK to revert it if thats the case.
>>> Did you inherit module-base or module? I think the wording applies to
>>> module and not module-base. I think the function used to be in module
>>> and was moved along with the comment which is now incorrect.
>> inherit module 
> So in that case there is:
> addtask make_scripts after do_patch before do_compile
> do_make_scripts[lockfiles] = "${TMPDIR}/kernel-scripts.lock"
> do_make_scripts[deptask] = “do_populate_sysroot”

yes I see.

> which forces the make_scripts task to run before compile. I don't see
> how that could therefore fail? :/
> Do you have a copy of the exact log?

Not anymore, it was sometime ago, the logs are unfortunately recycled.

> I'm wondering if this is another
> variant of the bitbake dependency bug I just tracked down
> (http://git.yoctoproject.org/cgit.cgi/poky-contrib/patch/?id=7b49d336c4672f3dfa78e1c3f1f5c7384264a118)

ah very likely, I think I will try this fix and revert the kernel.bbclass fix 
locally and see if I still am
able to reproduce this issue. In any case I think the kernel.bbclass may be 
abandoned since I now think it
was a wrong fix although it did fix the problem

> Cheers,
> Richard

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