On Sun, Nov 17, 2013 at 12:39 PM, Behan Webster <beh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 11/13/13 06:47, Randy MacLeod wrote:
>> On Tue, Nov 12, 2013 at 8:47 PM, Muhammad Tauqir Ahmad
>> <mian.muhammad.tauqir.ah...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> According to the link below [1], it seems some works has been done at
>>> least for llvm+clang bitbake recipes, although I couldn't find any
>>> clang recipes when searching the net. If anyone can point me in the
>>> right direction for finding these recipes, that would be great.
>>> [1]: 
>>> http://lists.linuxfoundation.org/pipermail/llvmlinux/2013-March/000205.html
>> That would be Behan's work, adding him here.
>> Behan,
>> Are your clang recipes from, "Worked on bitbake recipes for LLVM and
>> clang" mentioned in the March 2013 llvmlinux notes available?
> Khem Raj's work on recipes for llvm and clang were way better than mine,
> so I just use his now from meta-oe

I only found recipes for llvm in meta-oe. Didn't find any for clang. I
am in the process of writing one for clang and will push it to my
github once it's clean enough.

>> Everyone,
>> Where should Muhammad stage his work and is there an example of using
>> an alternative cross-compiler.
> Essentially the idea right now is to provide your own do_compile() which
> does whatever is necessary to use the other compiler. There may be a
> better way to do it, but I haven't found it yet.

Currently I am exploring using the secondary toolchain method
(http://www.openembedded.org/wiki/Adding_a_secondary_toolchain) as
suggested by fray (Mark Hatle).
Initially I will pre-compile a clang cross-compiler and use that as
the secondary toolchain and hopefully get as much compiled as possible
with the secondary llvm toolchain.
Then I can move to using a clang recipe to build the secondary
toolchain as well.

> Behan
> --
> Behan Webster
> beh...@gmail.com

Muhammad Tauqir Ahmad
Software Developer Intern at WindRiver Systems
Candidate for Honours Computer Science
Combinatorics and Optimizations Minor
University of Waterloo
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