
The syslinux recipe has the following do_compile:

do_compile() {
        # Rebuild only the installer; keep precompiled bootloaders
        # as per author's request (doc/distrib.txt)
        oe_runmake CC="${CC} ${CFLAGS}" LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS}" installer

i.e, it only builds the syslinux installer, as documented in
doc/distrib.txt. The issue with this though, is that it postpones
building some stuff (like com32, where I had an unrelated issue,
see [1]) to do_install. doc/distrib.txt doesn't say anything
about the install target.

I downloaded the tarball and built it outside of the oe
environment, first doing only `make installer` followed by
`make install`. The install targets results in a lot of building.
After this, in another tree, I simply did `make`, and then `make
install`, and the install target behaves as expected (no

As I have very little (none at all, really) experience with
syslinux, I'm not sure if this is a bug in the recipe (should we
expected make install to work after only doing make installer?)
or an upstream bug with the installer target.

Any insights are welcome! :-)

1: https://bugzilla.yoctoproject.org/show_bug.cgi?id=5054
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