Trying to build a systemd-gnome-image raspberrypi under Angstrom, with a few extra layers.

This fails on "xserver-xf86-config_0.1.[bb|bbappend]"

The extra layer has BBPRIORITY = 20.
meta-beagleboard has BBPRIORITY = 8
meta-raspberrypi has BBPRIORITY = 6 (later changed to 120)

BBLAYERS are in the order meta-<extra layer> meta-beagleboard meta-raspberrypi

It looks like bitbake will select the bbappend in the layer with the highest priority,
even if that contains a COMPATIBLE_MACHINE clause, which does not
include the current MACHINE.

/Is there any way to make bitbake select the correct bbappend file without modifying the BBPRIORITY? /

Looks like the xserver-xf86-config for the raspberry-pi fails on

*SRC_URI_append_raspberrypi = " file://xorg.conf.d/*"**
When I change to:

*SRC_URI_append_raspberrypi = " file://xorg.conf.d/10-evdev.conf "*

the raspberry pi version completes.

/Wildcards are not allowed?/

Best Regards
Ulf Samuelsson

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