
>> I know that the OE build is horribly slow, but is it really so slow as
>> to require short-circuiting native package dependencies such as this?
>> Has there been a general architectural decision made over this sort of
>> thing? (I'm sorry, I tried to search for one on the mailing list and
>> wiki, but couldn't find any.)
> Some native utilities cause big problems in the dependency chain. Things
> like tar and gzip have caused us big problems in the past. We've made a
> conscious decision to require specific versions of tar, gzip and git for
> example to ensure builds work as expected.

I can level with that. However, it doesn't seem obvious that such a
decision was conscientiously made, judging from the code/documentation
(at least to a neophyte like me). Is there a place I've missed where
such technical decisions have been documented? (Or should there be? Or
should I just ask these sorts of questions on IRC?)

> The list of things we assume are ok is relatively small and we look at
> new issues on a case by case basis. I think sed is well enough
> established and well enough behaved to be something we can rely on. In
> general we don't rely on much. Do you have any other specific things you
> worry about? When you start to look at it, the list is rather small...

The biggest thing I can think of is gcc-native. My understanding of gcc
documentation is that it's recommended to build a cross-compiler with a
bootstrap, or at least the same version of compiler, and we're not doing
that. (Right?)

Otherwise I'm mainly asking in order to understand the decisionmaking.

> Cheers,
> Richard

Richard Tollerton <>
Openembedded-core mailing list

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