On Thu, Aug 29, 2013 at 06:02:47PM +0200, Martin Jansa wrote:
> WIP because verification build is still running and I must admit that I'm 
> mostly
> testing that all dependencies are correctly "disabled" and in the end 
> deterministic.
> I'm not testing if every possible combination of PACKAGECONFIG options 
> provide sufficient
> dependency tree.
> But it would be nice to get some review in advance and be able to get this
> in 1.5 if I manage to fix all possible review comments and/or issues 
> discovered
> in my builds in time.

FYI: I didn't have time to finish this in last 2 weeks and will be very
busy for next 2 weeks so I'm OK with leaving this for 1.5.1 or something
like that after 1.5 release. I did some changes from review comments, so
the branch has slightly newer versions.

If you see something you really want to have in release please speak up
and review/confirm it for me.

The same does apply for longer meta-openembedded patchset with

Martin 'JaMa' Jansa     jabber: martin.ja...@gmail.com

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