
I've started observing build failures with pigz-native fails due
ttrying to use too old libz (from host), instead of the one in
sysroot. I take most don't see this bug because they have new enough
zlib on their host system.

| DEBUG: Executing shell function sstate_create_package
| gzip: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libz.so.1: version `ZLIB_1.2.5.1' not
found (required by gzip)
| tar: Child returned status 1
| tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
| WARNING: exit code 2 from a shell command.
| DEBUG: Python function sstate_task_postfunc finished
| ERROR: Function failed: sstate_create_package

This seems to happen, because

1) pigz-native is extracted from sstate cache
2) zlib-native is outdated, and it's compilation is being started
3) another task trying to use gzip/pigz meanwhile

Simply setting DEPENDS_class-native = "zlib-native" in pigz.bb didn't
seem to help. These errors started around September 3rd, and it
unclear to me what exactly changed that exposed thise bug.

Full build log at:


Any hints howto fix this would be appreciated,
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