
I'm trying to install ruby-dev (in order to be able to apply some passenger
features), and Passenger requires ruby-dev

ruby-dev has indeed been built (i'm working with yoctoProject) but when I'm
trying to install it, I can't:

root@qemuarm:~# smart install ruby-dev
rpmdb: BDB0113 Thread/proc
Computing transaction...
error: Can't install ruby-dev-1.9.3+p194-r1.0@**armv5te: no package
provides libcrypto-dev

(smart connects to a local repo which is my tmp/work/rpms directory)

And of course, libcrypto-dev is _not_ present neither in meta-ruby, nor
anywhere else (as far as I can search in
http://layers.openembedded.org/layerindex/branch/master/recipes/?q=crypto )

I wonder how ruby-dev has been compiled if libcrypto is not here ? And
how/why smart could have this package and not the other?

and more importantly, how can I solve the issue ? How can I make sure
libcryto is also generated (or not deleted?) during build process?

I'm working on the qemuarm device, but I'm not sure how much the problem is
bound to it or could be reproduced on other targets.

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