Hi Colin,

On Mon, 2013-08-05 at 21:50 +0200, Colin Walters wrote:
> On Fri, 2013-06-28 at 13:04 +0300, Stefan Stanacar wrote:
> > +        self.streampath = '/tmp/qemuconnection.%s' % os.getpid()
> That's a security problem on shared machines.

I know this is a late reply, sorry, I missed the email back then.
This has been changed since then to something else (but the reasons were
That's a tcp socket localhost only now, random high port (calls bind
with, 0 so the os chooses the port).

> > +                bb.note("Reached login banner")
> > +                console.write("root\n")
> > +                (index, match, text) = 
> > console.expect([r"(root@[\w-]+:~#)"],10)
> So I forget if I've mentioned this here, but what I do for the
> gnome-ostree testing is at boot time, use a qcow2 overlay disk to write
> a custom systemd service that exports the journal over a virtio-serial
> channel.  Then I look for specific MESSAGE_IDs in the journal.
> This is extremely reliable, no parsing of log messages etc.

That sounds really cool, nice job! 
I might be wrong but doesn't that require virtio support in the target
kernel (which is something we can't expect to have)?


> See:
> https://rwmj.wordpress.com/2013/07/19/half-baked-ideas-ocr-vm-console-to-diagnose-state-and-errors/

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