On Mon, Aug 5, 2013 at 5:19 PM, Saul Wold <s...@linux.intel.com> wrote:

> I could not replicate this, can you provide more details about how you
> setup the failure, was it from a clean sstate?

 It was with clean sstate, but I can switch between libxml-sax-perl task
hashes with a regular clean or setscene of perl. In my existing workspace,
I ran

$ bitbake -c clean perl
$ STAMPS_DIR=perl-stamps bitbake -S libxml-sax-perl
$ bitbake perl # From sstate
$ STAMPS_DIR=perl-stamps bitbake -S libxml-sax-perl

and got the error for several do_package tasks
ERROR: Bitbake's cached basehash does not match the one we just generated

I think you have to trigger a re-parse (which -S seems to do) since the
perl files being in the sysroot wouldn't invalidate the cache.

Are you working with master or 1.4 or something else?

I first noticed it on 1.4 and reproduced it on master, which was
09deeef20ee5a0c12ad4fd89cace6e0fb832d5b1 at the time.

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