On 13-07-26 10:11 AM, Paul Eggleton wrote:
On Thursday 25 July 2013 22:27:43 Martin Jansa wrote:
On Thu, Jul 25, 2013 at 03:57:58PM -0400, Randy MacLeod wrote:
I've found that many projects use the lua scripting language.
I'd like to move it from meta-oe to oe-core:



lua-5.2.2 is current, see: http://www.lua.org/download.html
so we'd likely uprev and send that version.

rpm and lighttpd could (would?) optionally depend on lua.

oe-core.git $ grep -r lua * | egrep -v 'valuat|valuable|uargp|rpm'

               --without-lua \

Any comments pro or con before we do the uprev, testing and send
a commit?

2 recipes which would optionally depend on it doesn't make it good
"core" component IMHO.

But uprev, few PACKAGECONFIGs and more testing would be nice.

I concur with Martin, if we're only talking about optional dependencies this
should just be a case of adding the PACKAGECONFIG options to the recipes in
OE-Core (or whereever they happen to be), with lua remaining in meta-oe.

I understand your reluctance to add bloat to oe-core but from a
users point of view a base distro should have a reasonable
collection of tools. I'll add lua to our internal layer since
we don't support all of meta-oe. We'll uprev and send meta-oe the
new recipe.

However I am aware that lua may be a hard dependency for upcoming versions of
stuff we do have in OE-Core (I can't recall which). We'll have to cross that
bridge when we come to it.

Ok. Thanks for the feedback.

// Randy


# Randy MacLeod. SMTS, Linux, Wind River
Direct: 613.963.1350
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