> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paul Eggleton [mailto:paul.eggle...@linux.intel.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, July 10, 2013 1:54 AM
> To: openembedded-core@lists.openembedded.org
> Cc: Nathan Rossi; meta-xil...@yoctoproject.org
> Subject: Re: [OE-core] [PATCH 0/2] scripts/runqemu: 'qemuzynq' and
> 'qemumicroblaze'
> Hi Nathan/all,
> On Thursday 04 July 2013 17:42:26 Nathan Rossi wrote:
> > The following patches add support to the runqemu scripts to allow for
> > the machines named 'qemuzynq' and 'qemumicroblaze' to be booted within
> > qemu. These target machines reside in the 'meta-xilinx' layer.
> I think we should look at changing runqemu so that it can be extended to
> support additional machines in the layers that add support for the
> machines
> themselves. I'm not entirely sure how we would implement this, but it
> should
> be possible assuming runqemu can know the path to all layers that are
> enabled
> (just query bitbake for BBLAYERS?) and there was some standard mechanism
> within the layer to add the machine-specific parts for the runqemu script.

Here are some ideas I had when I was initially looking at implementing the 
addition of the zynq and microblaze QEMU machines.

In the same way the Kernel, U-boot, etc have variables set in machine.conf's it 
might be worth looking at defining certain options for QEMU. This could even 
allow users to runqemu for the machine they are building, which is not a qemu* 
machine (these variables could be retrieved via a similar mechanism to bitbake 
-e?). This might be beneficial as opposed to allowing some sort of cross-layer 
sub-script execution?

# qemuarm
MACHINE_QEMU = "qemu-system-arm"
MACHINE_QEMU_MODEL = "versatilepb"

There is interest (for meta-xilinx) to support Device-Tree driven QEMU models 
(of which the feature hasn't made it into upstream QEMU yet). This might be 
interesting for those that want to test/simulate on systems that more closely 
resemble their target device, which could also allow for QA on machines that 
are outside of the oe-core layer.

microblaze_generic_fdt : 
arm_generic_fdt (still in development) : 


> Since this is unlikely to happen immediately I've acked these patches
> going
> in, but I think we'll need to look at doing this some time soon.
> Cheers,
> Paul
> --
> Paul Eggleton
> Intel Open Source Technology Centre

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