On 7/8/13 12:27 PM, Martin Jansa wrote:
On Mon, Jul 08, 2013 at 12:15:40PM -0500, Mark Hatle wrote:
On 7/5/13 3:39 AM, Martin Jansa wrote:
On Fri, Jul 05, 2013 at 02:07:28PM +0800, qi.c...@windriver.com wrote:
From: Chen Qi <qi.c...@windriver.com>

We may want to add a user or group which does not logically belong to
any specific package. For example, we may want to add a user with the
name 'tester' to our image. Besides, we may want to delete or modify
user/group in our image.

This patch adds a variable, USER_GROUP_SETTINGS, which is dedicated
to these tasks. The configuration format is detailed in the local.conf.
sample.extended file.

This patch also adds a function, set_user_group, which happens at
the end of the ROOTFS_POSTPROCESS_COMMAND. It handles the settings
in the USER_GROUP_SETTINGS variable.

Why not use extra package just with user?

See "[PATCH v3 0/5] Allow xuser to shutdown (cover letter only)"

The issue is that the users don't want extra (empty) packages to just add
standard users/groups.  What they want is a post image-generation
"configuration" mechanism.

Adding users/groups is one of the basic items that they want/need.  This really
has to be considered to be an administrative activity vs a distribution
activity.  (I.e. difference between creating a package and performing some kind
of post-image action.)

The other issue with a package based approach is it then mandates changes occur
by having to rebuild/reinstall packages.  This is onerous in my experience, for
something basic like this.  It's really outside of the package manager's 

We can have all users in one package
base-users (like we have base-files)

It can allow someone to just define DEFAULT_USERS = "a b c" in
local.conf and let base-users recipe to create all 3 automatically.

Post image-generation mechanism doesn't allow to add new required users
in "upgrade" or installing packages from binary feed with all required
users accounts.

That is exactly it.. these are not users that will -ever- be upgraded or worked on via packages.

This is equivalent to saying "I'd like users bob, tracy and alice on this image I'm generating."

It's NOT saying, all systems generated with this package feed will include bob, tracy and alice.

If the user wants to add john, after the initial image is generated, they would do so using the adduser functionality of the system (or modifying the passwd/group files.)

The fundamental problem is that the package feeds and district from the image itself. The image is nothing more then an installer that happens to be running on the build machine itself. Things that are part of the distribution belong in the feed, things that are instance/image specific belong as part of the installation process.

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