On Thu, Jul 4, 2013 at 2:34 AM, Holger Hans Peter Freyther
<hol...@moiji-mobile.com> wrote:
> Good Morning,
> we have a basic product and build the images for it using
> OpenEmbedded. Some customers require the installation of
> additional packages, or even the modification of some of
> the installed ones. The current approach would be to build
> one VM per customer but that doesn't really scale.
> I think somehow I want to end up with having my base/generic
> buuld and a way to put additional ipk's into a customer
> directory. So something likes this:
>   base-build/tmp/deploy/ipk/
>                             armv5te/
>                             machine/
>                             customer1/
>                                       armv5te/
>                                       ...
>                             customer2/
>                                       armv5te/
>                             customer3/
> or
>   base-build/tmp/...
>   customer1-build/tmp/deploy/ipk/...
> In both cases the customer should only include the packages
> that were built for the customer. All the 'base' packages should
> be taken/used from the base built. I could indicate for which
> customer I build by setting an environment variable?
> For a corner case, e.g. if I change the SRCREV and re-build with
> a customer flag set, this package should still go to the customer
> directory.
> Can this be already modeled? Do you have any idea how this could
> be done?

Currently I did this using MACHINEOVERRIDE and I made a machine which
is reused for each customer. So I have a single kernel and machine
setup but customer aliases which I can use to control the system in
the image and like.

Otavio Salvador                             O.S. Systems
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