Sorry, it's only replied to Enrico, now, reply to the list ...
On 06/19/2013 06:33 PM, Enrico Scholz wrote:
Robert Yang <>
The recipe's DESCRIPTION is wrapped automatically by textwrap, make it
support newline ("\n") to let the user can wrap it manually, e.g.:
- ctrlfile.write('Description: %s\n' % summary)
- ctrlfile.write('%s\n' % textwrap.fill(description,
width=74, initial_indent=' ', subsequent_indent=' '))
+ for t in description.split('\\n'):
+ ctrlfile.write('%s\n' % textwrap.fill(t, width=74,
initial_indent=' ', subsequent_indent=' '))
When user wrapped lines manually, why is textwrap.fill() called on the
lines again? E.g. when user wrapped manually at 78 columns, this will
create long - short - long - short lines (in german, why call this
effect "Kammquoting" (comb quoting)) .
I suggest to avoid textwrap.fill() when text contains '\n'.
Because I think that the "\n" is mainly used for splitting paragraph,
so the auto wrap is still useful when there is a "\n", e.g.:
DESCRIPTION = "FOO \n<Too many characters>"
The ouput is:
<74 characters>
<74 characters>
I think that this is better than:
<Too many characters>
// Robert
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